Barrett sells to Ukraine

Barrett Firearms has signed a contract to export rifles to the Ukrainian state-run defense company Ukroboronprom.

From SputnikNews:

KIEV, December 12 (Sputnik) – The Ukrainian state-run defense concern Ukroboronprom said Friday its subsidiary Ukrinmash had signed a deal on small arms delivery with US Barrett Firearms.

“The representatives of company Ukrinmash – the leading exporter of the Ukroboronprom state concern – signed a contract with Barrett Firearms. Weapons will be delivered for the needs of Ukraine’s Security Service and National Guard,” Ukroboronprom said on its website.

Earlier, Ukrinmash has struck deals with another US company ATN, manufacturer of night vision optics and thermal imaging, and Thales Group, a French space, defense and security firm.

We are glad Barrett and others are helping Ukraine stand up to the Russians invading their country, and at least in Barrett’s case, refusing to sell to lawbreaking US jurisdictions such as California. It’s too bad the US government doesn’t have as much backbone as Ronnie Barrett. I personally shook Ronnie’s hand and thanked him for his stand on the US jurisdictions.

(H/T John Richardson)

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