Hyatt Guns, in Charlotte, NC, recently posted an ad for gun safes and vaults on their Facebook page as part of a Veterans Day promotion.
Almost immediately, Facebook’s speech Nazis removed the ad from Hyatt’s page. Facebook says that since Hyatt sells guns, which are banned from Facebook, advertising for these other, innocuous products is also banned, although Facebook’s official policy does not seem to support that. Facebook said ads cannot indirectly link back to pages where guns can be purchased.
Facebook’s representative told Hyatt:
“Your ad was rejected because it violates the Ad Guidelines. Ads may not promote firearms, ammunition or weapons (ex: paintball guns, BB guns, knives, etc)… This decision is final. Please consider this the end of our correspondence about your ad.”
In other words, an ad for a gun safety product will not be tolerated by the hoplophobic nuts who can’t stand guns.
But Facebook apparently offers free pro-gun stock photographs. Go figure.
Meanwhile in Jackson County, AR, a convicted felon, who was at the time out on bond for illegal firearms possession, has been arrested for selling guns on Facebook. Apparently Facebook didn’t shut his page down.
Why gun related companies ever deal with gun-banning Facebook at all is a mystery to me, and I never go to a gun company’s Facebook page. You can do your own web page – you don’t have to default to an anti-gun empire. Hyatt kind of deserved what it got, similar to getting bitten when you pick up a snake. You knew what it was when you picked it up….