Comedian Jay Leno has unilaterally canceled his scheduled appearance at the NSSF’s 2015 Las Vegas SHOT show, due to his caving in to pressure from anti-gunners. Leno said that he’d spoken with Po Murray of the Newtown Action Alliance to let her know. “I understand it’s Newtown, and of course I get it,” Leno said. “It’s just sometimes, mistakes get made.” NSSF is headquartered in Newtown.
Here’s NSSF’s statement:
- Leno is not a friend, which makes him the other thing. I don’t know why NSSF hired him in the first place. I guess “sometimes, mistakes get made.”
- Leno is also a wimp who can’t even stand up to a handful of whiny demanding mommies.
- “I’m not conservative. I’ve never voted that way in my life.” – Jay Leno to LA Weekly in 2004.