LA Election & MS Election Fallout

LA Election

Democrat US Sen. Mary Landrieu (LA) lost her Senate runoff race last Saturday night in a GOP sweep of the South and due to her inalienable ties to an unpopular President that she couldn’t shake.

Republican opponent Rep. Bill Cassidy won the race as Republicans picked up nine Senate seats this election cycle and will have control of 54 seats in the chamber next year. The GOP also has its largest US House majority in generations. This may not be a good thing, but it does lend itself to passage of certain proposals, such as national CCW reciprocity, protection of Second Amendment rights on various federal properties, and restoration of gun rights to nonviolent prohibited persons.

MS Election Fallout

Mississippi’s former Republican US Sen. Trent Lott said GOP leaders are working to repair damage from incumbent Republican Sen. Thad Cochran’s bruising re-election race against Republican state Sen. Chris McDaniel. McDaniel was a Tea Party favorite who lost to Cochran in a GOP primary runoff, triggering months of McDaniel’s challenging the results of the runoff.

Lott went on to say McDaniel “would have come up here and teamed up with Ted Cruz and been nothing but a troublemaker. We didn’t need that.”

I dunno. That sounds pretty good to me. We sure as heck don’t need any more politicians who just go along with the Washington crowd. Or maybe Lott and the Washington crowd, specifically, didn’t need that – not “we” the people.

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1 thought on “LA Election & MS Election Fallout”

  1. It is nice to know who your friends are in DC. If you knew what they really think, say, and do then you might find that they are not really your friends.

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