Enemies: NFL, Michael Bloomberg, and ISIS

From Feb. 6, 2015 2A News newsletter:

National Fascist League

I heard that the NFL Super-something was played this week. I didn’t watch. The NFL is anti-gun and wants you to die.

Michael Bloomberg makes both the “Liars” and “Enemies” lists this week. His gun ban groups and his millions of dollars succeeded in fooling Washington State voters into passing a ballot initiative for what they called a simple “background check” law, but it was really a massive gun ban, registration program, and criminalizing even handing a gun to a friend.

Bloomie is now going after Nevada and Arizona for the same treatment. They buy enough advertising to drown out any other voices, spend mega millions on PR, schmoozing the press to get the media to parrot their lies, and to willfully disregard, ignore, or even lie about the opposition’s messages. Of course the media is already anti-gun, so he’s paying them to do what they would do anyway. Beware in every state.

A gruesome video surfaced this week which purportedly shows a 26-year-old Jordanian pilot being burned alive by ISIS forces. These are our enemies — beyond any “understanding” or “tolerance,” in my book. Yet the progressives want to disarm us in the face of such terrorism. ISIS already has operatives in the continental US.

Warning: graphic pic (or scroll down to see).























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