More of ‘The Only Ones’

A federal grand jury has indicted now-former St. Louis Police Officer Don McGhee on one felony count of conspiracy to possess a firearm in relation to a drug trafficking crime. According to the indictment, on March 2, 2014, McGhee took a Mossberg 12 gauge pistol grip shotgun to a drug house and gave it to one of the drug dealers knowing that the drug dealer would use it in relation to and in furtherance of the drug trafficking.

Los Angeles police are seeking one of their own in possible connection with a man’s killing last week.

25-year veteran D.C. police officer and pastor Darrell Lavon Best, 45, has been charged with repeatedly sexually assaulting two teenagers, with the assaults occurring inside his church while he was wearing his gun and badge and inside the police headquarters building on Indiana Avenue NW.

Atlanta Police Officer Kylema Jackson “accidentally” shot a motorist in the face while trying to get him to stop and open the window by hitting it with his gun. The gun went off (because his finger was on the trigger) and shot the man in the face (because that’s where it was pointed).

Jackson faced a felony indictment, but in a plea bargain he agreed to give up his state certification and never work as a police officer in Georgia again. But he can still work in your state I suppose.

An officer in the New Jersey Port Authority’s Commercial Vehicle Inspection Unit at Port Newark was cleaning his weapon this week when it accidentally discharged. The bullet went through the officer’s left hand and then struck a second officer who was nearby in the left thigh.

An Arizona Department of Corrections (ADC) officer was wounded in an accidental shooting at an ADC firing range west of Phoenix this week when he shot himself in the leg. This is widely known as “cop leg.”

A suburban Philadelphia police officer was injured this week in what initial reports are characterizing as an accidental shooting at the Plymouth Township police station. Officials said the officer was taken to the hospital with a leg wound after what they called an accidental discharge. Like I said, cop leg.

Because only the cops should have guns….

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