Training women shooters, war heroes, ballistics, AKs, video, more

How to train women shooters

War heroes — If you get GUNS magazine, you’ve probably already read this. If not, you should. (May 2015 issue is available as a free pdf download.)

US Army training film on ballistics (video)

AK’s are inaccurate. Except when they’re not.

Sports — Texas A&M University has a 3-gun team. Cool.

TV — “Safe Haven” is a documentary that takes a critical look at the history of gun-free zones in the United States and their effect on crime prevention through a series of interviews with law enforcement, industry experts and survivors, among others. It premieres April 1 at 3:30 pm CT on the Outdoor Channel.

Radio — Tom Gresham’s Guntalk® Radio is celebrating its 20th anniversary this week. If you don’t listen, you should. You can download recorded programs to your computer, flash drive or mobile device and listen at your convenience. 3 hours (plus a bonus aftershow ~hour for download) each Sunday.

I recall Tom’s story about the inception of the program, where some media expert said it would never work and that no one could talk about guns for 3 hours, never mind 3 hours a week. Ha!

Congratulations Tom!

About the Remington 870 Flexitab System


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