Lawful Purpose in Self Defense Act
H.R. 2710, the Lawful Purpose in Self Defense Act, has been introduced by US Rep. Rob Bishop (R-UT) along with some 50 co-sponsors. It would:
- eliminate ATF’s authority to reclassify popular rifle ammunition as “armor piercing” ammunition;
- provide for the lawful importation of any non-National Firearms Act firearm or ammunition that may otherwise be lawfully possessed and sold within the US;
- protect shotguns, shotgun shells, and larger caliber rifles from arbitrary classification as “destructive devices” which under federal law subjects them to onerous registration and taxation provisions and creates a ban on possession of the firearm in some states, and;
- broaden the temporary interstate transfer provision to allow temporary transfers for all lawful purposes rather than just for “sporting purposes.”
(The “sporting purposes” provision in federal law regarding weapons is blatantly unconstitutional on any level.)
The bill is reportedly consistent with a previously reported rumor (about NRA trying to make a back room deal with the opposition) to clean up an ATF technical mistake in a politically acceptable manner.
Handgun Trigger Safety Act
The Handgun Trigger Safety Act (S. 1474 & H.R. 2613), which we reported here last week, not only would require a “personalized” trigger lock for new guns, but would also mandate that in 10 years “anyone selling a handgun must retrofit it with personalization technology before that sale can be completed.”
The bills were sponsored by introduced by Sens. Ed Markey (D-MA) and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Reps. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY), Katherine Clark (D-MA), and Mark DeSaulnier (D-CA). Perhaps we should retrofit Congress instead.