Idiocy. Tips for Darwin candidates. More.

Tips for Darwin candidates:

  • If you get shot robbing a house, don’t go back and try to rob it again.
  • If you shoot yourself in the leg, don’t do it again.

A 16-year-old Tulsa, OK boy was listed in serious condition at a hospital after accidentally shooting himself in the leg for the second time in three months, according to police. In OK, it is illegal for any person under the age of 18 to have possession of a firearm, “except a rifle or shotgun given by a parent to a child for education, hunting, or sport.” The gun he used to shoot himself three months ago, a Jennings .380, is still in police custody. The second gun he acquired illegally and shot himself with this week was a Rossi .38 revolver.

A 14-year-old Irving, TX boy was arrested, handcuffed and taken to a juvenile detention center after bringing his homemade clock to school to show his engineering teacher. He was also suspended from school for 3 days. Apparently a clock is an illegal “hoax bomb,” even without any “hoax explosive.”

Irving police spokesman James McLellan said that they had no reason to think the device was dangerous or that the teen claimed it was a bomb. The criminal charges were dropped, as was the ball. We understand that President Obama has invited the boy to bring his “bomb” to the White House.

Three people were shot Wednesday night, including a 3-year-old and a 12-year-old girl, during a neighborhood vigil for a victim of “gun violence” in the Homewood neighborhood of Pittsburgh, PA.

“The sheriff’s office said that Dykema soon armed herself with multiple weapons and kept advancing at police as they attempted to get the woman to drop her weapons.

This lasted for over five hours.

Eventually, one of the officers of the scene used a Taser on Dykema when cops began to become concerned for their own safety.”


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