From Mississippi Gun News:
Since July 1, 2011, Mississippi firearm licensees who take an instructional course in the safe handling and use of firearms offered by an approved instructor can carry a concealed firearm on educational property and other areas off-limits to “normal” licensees. Shortly before the law took effect, in June 2011, Assistant Attorney General Jeffrey Klingfuss of the Mississippi Attorney General’s office announced to the Mississippi Campus Law Enforcement Association that House Bill 506 (2011 regular Legislative session) was a “wicked” and “horrible” law. Then-chief Calvin Sellers of the University of Mississippi Police Department, who was also president of the statewide campus law enforcement group, arguably went even farther when he said, “I’m not looking forward to shootouts in the Grove on Saturday afternoon.”
In the four plus years since this law took effect how many shootouts have occurred in the Grove? As of public records response on August 19, 2015, there have been exactly zero (0) arrests or incidents involving weapons-related crimes perpetrated by a holder of an enhanced concealed carry license. There have been no shootouts in the Grove. As usual, the handwringing was like the old grandmother’s adage about sitting in a rocking chair – ‘Child, you may feel like you’re doing something but actually you are not getting anywhere.’
According to information provided by the Mississippi Department of Public Safety’s Firearms Permit Unit on August 28, 2015, there are currently 66,239 concealed carry licensees in the State of Mississippi (approximately 2.62% of the adult population). Of these licenses, 44,192 (41.22%) are “enhanced licenses” held by persons who have taken an optional safety course. Of all license types, 50 have been suspended since January 2015 for various reasons. This amounts to an exceeding small suspension rate of 0.08%.
To give greater context, the State of [read full article]