2A News: May 6, 2016 Newsletter by Jeff Pittman
(click to enlarge image — source: Gunmart)
What about carrying where it’s legal, but not “allowed” by the venue? Make sure you know with certainly about the actual legality in your specific area.
Deep Concealment Options for the “Non-Permissive Environment”
We also have a report from Texas about a CCW good Samaritan Marine who was murdered while intervening in a domestic dispute with an armed Army soldier.
- Selfie provoked argument that led to fatal Arlington shooting, suspect’s wife says
- Good Samaritan Killed Attempting To Make Citizen’s Arrest
I see several takeaways from this, assuming an accurate report (that’s a pretty big assumption):
- Domestics should ALWAYS be considered very risky. It’s widely known that cops consider them such and typically call for backup before engaging, mostly because both parties may turn on you (though that’s not what happened here).
- If the perpetrator has ceased his hostilities and is trying to leave, especially if he’s armed, it might be best not to try to stop him. Protect and defend, not pursue and apprehend.
- If you can place yourself in a situation where you minimize the likelihood of needing to use your gun, you probably have also just maximized your likelihood of survival.
- It’s not wise to approach an armed perp within slapping distance (or at all, if avoidable).
- Your gun is there to save your life. If you chose to use words instead, the gun may not have a chance to do its job.
- This happened at a Walgreens Pharmacy, which is anti-gun. Yet, 2 guns, 2 innocent people shot, one perp unharmed. Do the math.
Another good read from Greg Ellifritz.
The Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands’ new gun law is being challenged by Paul Murphy, the same US Army ranger veteran who previously successfully sued the CNMI government over provisions of the CNMI Weapons Control Act. After the old gun ban was overturned, the government enacted new, overly restrictive gun controls, which are now in question. Murphy says the new laws — the Weapons Control Act, and the Special Act for Firearms Enforcement — continue to violate his 2nd and 14th Amendment rights, and has asked the US District Court for the NMI to issue an injunction stopping the enforcement of certain provisions.
New ATF rules for firearms records. Dealers take note.
- New ATF Rules FYI — from The War on Guns blog
We hear that Hillary, who wants to be president and who wants to ban your guns, approved $165 billion worth of commercial arms sales to countries who gave money to Clinton Foundation.
Hillary & company are all in a tizzy about the federal Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA), which protects firearms manufacturers and dealers from being held liable when crimes have been committed with their non-defective, lawfully produced and sold products. They say those in the gun industry should be held liable for criminal acts far beyond their control. On her campaign website, Clinton claims the PLCAA is “a dangerous law that prevents victims of gun violence from holding negligent manufacturers and dealers accountable for violence perpetrated with their guns.” That is an absolute lie, as the law has exceptions for defective products as well as unlawful sales practices.
Well, a Gun Talk Radio caller reminded us that the FBI, through the government’s Brady Act-required gun sales background check program, is a party to retail gun sales, so shouldn’t the FBI have most of the liability, since it is the one literally approving each individual sale as being to a non-prohibited person?
And while we’re at it, shouldn’t IBM or Dell or whoever be prosecuted for Hillary’s illegal email use at the State Department?
“Consider the work of God: who can make straight what he has made crooked?” — Ecclesiastes 7:13 (ESV)
Amy Shumer asked this week that journalists “Please use the term ‘gun safety’ instead of ‘gun control'” when talking about her gun control proposals, which are chock full of lies.
The anti-gunners are also now falsely claiming that “there are fewer than 1,600 verified instances of defensive gun use each year in the US.” Apparently they think (oops, feel) that “verified” (by the government) is a legitimate substitute for “justified.” Yet the victims are still alive, even if the government hasn’t officially determined why.
The real number of defensive gun uses in the US is somewhere between 500,000 and around 3 million annually.
(click image to enlarge — source: The Gun Feed)
Meanwhile this week the Obama administration revealed that the terms “delinquent,” “criminal,” “felon,” or “convict” are now passé. On April 25, the Obama Justice Department announced a $1.75 million initiative to “Help Justice-Involved Youth Find Jobs and Housing.”
“Justice-Involved Youth.” Right. If instead they get shot committing a crime, then I suppose they would be “anti-crime-involved youth.”
In other news, the liberal, gun-hating media is whining about the Secret Service performing background checks on all journalists who plan to attend the Democrat or Republican national conventions. Journalists will now have to undergo government scrutiny of their mental and criminal backgrounds before being able to exercise their First Amendment rights. Some other journalist ought to do a story on the findings of these checks.
Welcome to the party, pal.
Docs and guns
Research published in the BMJ this week shows that “medical errors” in health care facilities are incredibly common and may now be the third leading cause of death in the US (251,000 annual deaths), behind heart disease and cancer. Apparently firearms didn’t make the list, but the anti-gun CDC says that in 2013 there were a total of 33,169 deaths related to firearms (excluding firearm deaths due to legal intervention). Seven times as many people killed by doctors and hospitals than killed with guns.
If a medical professional or pharmacist goes shopping in a gun store, shouldn’t the proprietor grill him/her about safe and legal possession, use and storage of medicines and equipment before selling him/her a gun, the same way some of them want to grill us about guns before they give us a flu shot?
The Unarmed Forces
Nearly a year after the terror attack that left five US service members dead in Chattanooga, TN, Pentagon brass reportedly “remain unsure whether allowing recruiters and other vulnerable military personnel to carry guns is a viable and effective way to improve security at recruiting stations and other remote work sites.”
(I can clear that up for you, General.)
Apparently the concern (or excuse) is because “The mission is really to be accessible. If you try to create a situation where you have armed guards standing all around a facility … that kind of an approach would negate in many ways the very purpose for a recruiting center, which is to have an inviting environment in which a young person with his parents … can come in,” said Charles Kosak, the deputy assistant secretary of defense for defense continuity and mission assurance.
So, the Pentagon is also (instead?) considering:
- New entry-control points, like locked doors with swipe-card readers
- Peep holes for back doors
- Window blinds that obscure visibility for passersby
- “Internal ballistic protection” (bullet resistant walls/counters/boards/furniture/shields)
Because those are so much more “inviting”…
The Only Ones
- An unidentified 77-year-old retired police officer removed his licensed 10mm pistol from a leather briefcase to show to his doctor, Matthew Nester, a podiatrist in Oceanside, CA, when the weapon “accidentally” discharged a round, which struck the owner in the thigh and continued through his leg and into doctor’s right foot. No word on whether the doc had asked the officer about safe gun storage and use.
- Last week during a live-fire police pistol training exercise on the East Coast, two unidentified but reportedly experienced and competent instructors were handing-off a G23, one to the other, while standing side-by-side on the firing line and facing downrange. One, holding the pistol by the slide (muzzle downrange), handed it to the other when a lanyard with a whistle on the end, worn by the first instructor, fell through the trigger guard. The whistle then turned and would not come back through. As the second officer grasped the pistol by the grip, the now-jammed whistle caused the pistol to suddenly “redirect,” while the lanyard became wrapped around the trigger-guard with enough tension on the trigger to simultaneously cause the pistol to fire, striking the second instructor in the abdomen with a single FMJ round which did not exit, but penetrated to just under the skin on the opposite side. The victim was treated by officers at the scene, airlifted to a hospital and recovered quickly.
Rule #2. Also, we have known for some time that lanyards, pull strings, etc. have a mind and will of their own when it comes to interfering with pistol triggers. One trainer suggest that if a tethered whistle is necessary, place a big ring in the whistle end to prevent its passing through a trigger guard. But I’d still worry about the middle part of the lanyard dropping through when slack, then being pulled tight around the trigger. Maybe a much shorter one that can’t reach, or a stretchy one that probably won’t pull the trigger (or both)?
- In April 2015, San Diego police officer Neal “Nick” Browder shot and killed a homeless man in an alleyway after claiming the man came charging at him with a knife, a claim disproved by surveillance video which showed that the man did not charge at Browder and he was only carrying a pen. But Browder was cleared anyway because he claimed that he was in fear for his life. Then on February 20, 2016, Browder was searching the home of a probationer when he negligently fired his gun, sending a bullet through a fortunately empty baby crib. After that, the San Diego PD reassigned him to a desk job with pay (over $150,000 in pay and benefits in 2014).
- For the third time in less than six weeks, a Salinas, CA, police officer’s gun was stolen from an unlocked car. A thief stole an unidentified off-duty officer’s gun from his personal car Thursday morning while the officer was dropping his child off at school. The officer thought that he had locked the vehicle, but hadn’t.
In March, Salinas Police Chief Kelly McMillin’s AR-15 assault rifle, several magazines of ammunition, and a bullet proof vest were stolen out of his unmarked police car. The rifle was secured by a “steel gun lock.”
In April, another unidentified high-ranking Salinas police officer’s .45-caliber handgun, badge and uniform were stolen from his car.
- An unidentified, allegedly drunk, armed Los Angeles County, CA sheriff’s deputy illegally entered a parked car in Sacramento and was then pulled from the car and forcibly disarmed by the owner and others. The deputy then left the immediate area but was later “detained” by Sacramento police, who called his supervisor to come get him and his gun. No sobriety test was administered, and no arrest was made, because apparently in Sacramento drunk armed cops commandeering other people’s vehicles is legal.
Olympic record
The Rio Olympics will include for the first time ever a mother and a son competing together in the same Games. 56 father-and-son duos have competed at the same Games, as well as 12 father-and-daughter and 2 mother-and-daughter.
Nino Salukvadze, 47, and her son Tsotne Machavariani, 18, will represent the nation of Georgia in the Rio Games’ shooting competitions. Salukvadze is competing in her 8th Games (the record is 10), while Machavariani is competing in his first.
Salukvadze has won a gold, silver, and bronze Olympic medal. Her events are the 10m air pistol and 25m sporting pistol.
Pat Rogers was a former NYPD Detective Sergeant as well as a Marine veteran (CWO2, 3rd Marine Division, S. Vietnam) who founded EAG Tactical and taught firearms classes for decades to police and citizens. He was also an instructor at Gunsite and was still active in working with them on classes. Pat was decorated 54 times, including the Medal of Valor. He passed away this week of a massive heart attack. Semper Fi.
Handloader magazine
Handloader magazine is celebrating its 50th anniversary. The June issue is a double edition including a complete reprint of issue number 1, with advertising, from 1966.
Handloading safety
Be sure you have the right powder for your application/data. And remember, only one powder can on the loading bench, period.
Stumpy’s Hatchet House
I think I know where they got the name. Is America great, or what? And yes, there are rednecks in New Jersey.
NICS check record
FBI figures show that April 2016 was the twelfth consecutive month of record background checks for retail gun sales in the US.
And according to MarketPlace Insight, the leading outdoors and shooting sports data consultancy, gun sales spike every year on Mother’s Day.
Sports Authority is filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. The Englewood, Colorado, company has 463 stores in 41 US states and Puerto Rico.
We previously reported the company’s original plan of a reorganization and closing 140 of its 463 stores to keep the brand alive, but now we learn that it will instead auction off all of its assets, potentially in pieces.
Kentucky losing plants
Remington will be closing its Mayfield, KY plant over the course of several months and will relocate that production to the Huntsville, AL plant.
Sig Sauer, Inc. announced it has finalized plans to relocate its ammunition manufacturing operation from Eubank, KY to a permanent site in Jacksonville, AR.
NRA membership sale
Life memberships regularly $1500, on sale for $600 until May 14.
We have a rumor that Ruger is possibly designing an autoloading shotgun with a rotating bolt and recoil reduction system that looks like a Benelli. One of the designers is a guy named Pittman. Go figure. Some folks are also pushing for a new 25-caliber revolver round, essentially a stretched .25 ACP or modernized centerfire .25 Stevens, with a 60 or 70 grain bullet at around 1,400 fps, to be used in a Ruger “Single-Eight” revolver. We also have a shareholder report that Ruger is doing “very, very well.”
- A company called Shell Shock Technologies has announced a new two-piece 9mm cartridge case design consisting of a head and a cylinder. The head is made of nickel-plated aluminum, and the cylinder is made of a nickel alloy. They claim it’s light, cheap, strong, and reloadable.
The Tannerite Leg Morale Patch from www.battlepatches.com.
- Hungry? Enjoy some M16 Rifle Corn Holders.
- Lethal Products’ new Cooler Reviver spray takes care of odors, mold, mildew, and more.
Quote of the Week
“Everybody wants the right to carry a gun and that’s dangerous in a free society. We should not allow that.” — South Carolina State Representative Wendell Gilliard (D)