2A News: September 30, 2016 Newsletter by Jeff Pittman
- Hillary Earns 4 Pinocchios, “Pants On Fire”
- FBI director admits cover up of Clinton email tampering
- Here are some of the things Mrs. Clinton advocates:
- Reinstatement of the Clinton-era (the “other” Clinton) ban on assault/modern sporting rifles,
- Imposition of a mandatory “buyback” program (mandatory means “confiscation”),
- A ban on private sales OR creation of a federal database of gun owners to enforce universal background checks,
- Appointment of federal judges to the bench to eliminate the Second and Fourth Amendments of the US Constitution.
In a very unusual event last week, a 20-year-old man shot and killed 5 people with a rifle (apparently a Ruger 10/22) at a mall in Burlington, WA. The unusual part is that he apparently stopped and left on his own and was later arrested without incident, instead of continuing the massacre until a good guy with a gun showed up. This is fortunate for the survivors, because apparently there were no good guys with guns in the vicinity, including the mall’s own “professional security officers.” We did learn that apparently the perpetrator was a prohibited person to possess firearms, since he has a criminal record that includes three domestic-violence assault charges and was ordered by a judge last December that he was not to possess a firearm. He was also reported to be Muslim, but we do not know if that is relevant.
The mall website states that “Cascade Mall is committed to providing our guests with a safe, and secure shopping environment by providing 24-hour professional security services.” It goes on to say that the security officers are uniformed and trained in AED use, but says nothing about being armed and trained in the use of defensive force. Apparently none showed up for the party. We also have multiple unconfirmed reports that the mall is a “gun free zone.”
Two students and a female teacher were shot and wounded, one critically, by a male teen with a handgun outside Townville Elementary School in Townville, SC this week. The perpetrator drove a truck into the school parking lot and immediately started firing as he got out and moved toward the school, but was tackled by a volunteer firefighter before he could enter the school. The suspect apparently also murdered his father at his home about 2 or 3 miles away prior to the school attack. The fireman was responding to the school’s 911 call and arrived before the cops did. The police arrived about 7 minutes after the 911 call. By that time, it was all over. The suspect was arrested at the school. One deputy said the teen shooter attended that elementary school.
Although Townville Elementary staff has received “active shooter” training, the school does not have an armed School Resource Officer assigned.
An imam has released video footage of the Orlando Pulse nightclub killer praying in a central Florida Islamic mosque four days before the attack that killed 49 people and injured 53 others. Police negotiation tapes from the attack revealed that the Islamic jihadist killer was motivated by a Pentagon drone strike in Iraq a month before the nightclub massacre.
During the recent violent riots in Charlotte, NC, many previously-ignorant citizens attempted to buy guns for protection. But the purchase (including private sale) of a handgun in North Carolina requires either a pistol purchase permit or a NC Concealed Handgun Permit. Otherwise, one is legally restricted to purchasing a long gun, which of course may not be practical for self defense carry.
Load up ahead of time. It wasn’t raining when Noah built the ark.
Meanwhile, the “black lives matter” leader says that the issue of cops shooting black people (even on occasions when they needed shooting) would be solved by removing cops from the community. I have a different suggestion. Remove folks (of any race) who threaten cops from the community instead.
Terrorists — from Andrew McCarthy, PJ Media
Patrick Poole coined the term “known wolf,” sharply shredding the conventional Washington wisdom that “lone wolf” terrorism is a major domestic threat.
Pat has tracked the phenomenon for years, right up to the jihadist attacks this weekend in both the New York metropolitan area and St. Cloud, Minnesota.
Virtually every time a terror attack has occurred, the actor initially portrayed as a solo plotter lurking under the government’s radar turns out to be — after not much digging — an already known (sometimes even, notorious) Islamic extremist.
As amply demonstrated by Poole’s reporting, catalogued here by PJ Media, “lone wolves” — virtually every single one — end up having actually had extensive connections to other Islamic extremists, radical mosques, and (on not rare occasions) jihadist training facilities.
Why? Why are the anti-gun leftists that way?
If you didn’t listen to Tom Gresham’s Gun Talk Radio last Sunday, you missed a good one. The gold nugget appears beginning around minute 14 of the second hour:
The US firearms industry has grown 158% (by revenue) since 2008. Now, what happened in 2008 to spur this growth? Maybe an election?
HKparts.net owner Adam Michael Webber has been convicted by a federal jury of one count of dealing in firearms without a license and five counts of filing false tax returns and could be sentenced to up to 33 years in prison. Webber had been indicted on 8 counts of dealing in firearms without a license, smuggling goods out of the US, and 6 counts of filing a false tax return.
Under an agreement with the US in 2007, Webber was barred from applying for an FFL or engaging in the business of dealing firearms. But evidence showed that between 2007 and 2008, Webber was the sole owner of HK Parts, an Internet gun parts business, and in 2008 added firearms to his product line and primarily sold them on the Internet at hkparts.net and out of the basement of his residence, all without a license. Webber instead illegally sold firearms under the auspices of a company owned by another Utah resident from 2009 to 2012.
Government incompetence
We have a report that an audit from the Justice Department’s inspector general found that more than 2,000 (another source says nearly 50,000) “illegal” gun sales have been made due to a long-standing dispute over what “fugitive” means, saying that while federal law ostensibly bars fugitives from buying firearms, the FBI and the ATF disagree over who falls into that category, resulting in thousands of completed transactions between 1999 and 2015 that “should have been denied,” according to the FBI/OIG.
Apparently the ATF says that a person is a disqualified fugitive only if he/she is attempting to purchase a firearm in a different state than that where his/her warrant was issued, while the FBI says that anyone with an outstanding warrant in any jurisdiction is a disqualified fugitive when attempting to purchase in any jurisdiction. The FBI asked for a formal clarification 6 years ago, but the DOJ has not responded.
The Only Ones
- Jackson, GA, police Officer Sherry Hall was arrested on numerous criminal charges after she apparently negligently shot herself with a department-issued backup pistol and then repeatedly claimed to have been shot by a nonexistent “black male.” Hall is white.
- An unidentified federal agent from an unidentified federal agency “accidentally” shot a sheriff’s deputy in the leg at the sheriff’s station in Lemon Grove, CA (San Diego) Monday while unloading a .22 handgun that was seized by a joint task force earlier in the day.
Department of Idiocy
Intentionally alternating 9mm and .40 rounds in a .40 pistol? Boy, you have to be a special kind of stupid….
Enemies and Idiots
A Manville, NJ high school senior says he was suspended and ordered to undergo a psychological exam for completing an anti-gun-control school video project he was assigned by a Manville High School teacher last year. He reportedly made an “A” on the project.
About those evil assault weapons
According to the FBI, approximately 252 people were killed in the US with rifles of all types in 2015. That’s less than 2% of all murders. Over twice that number — approximately 595 — were killed with “hands, fists, or feet, etc.” Although the exact percentages vary, this has always been the case.
Ayoob .357 SIG update
- Massad Ayoob: Reconsidering The .357 SIG
Ladies’ firearm fashion accessories — Hiding Hilda
- Ruger now has its American Pistol in a Compact model (9mm), available in both Manual Safety and Pro model configurations. It is a 6.65″ long (3.55″ barrel), 4.48″ high and weighs 28.75 oz. with an empty magazine. It comes in a hard case with small, medium and large replaceable grip modules and two nickel-Teflon plated steel magazines (one 17-round extended magazine and one 12-round compact magazine). It also has Novak® LoMount Carry three-dot sights and a mil-standard 1913 accessory rail. $579.
- Federal Premium has a Vital-Shok Trophy Bonded Tip load in .223 Rem., with a 62-grain, solid-shanked Trophy Bonded Bear Claw bullet with a neon polymer tip and a nickel-plated case and bullet and Gold Medal primer. Suitable for deer-sized game. P223TT3 $26.95 per 20.
Quote of the Week
“…there are only two kinds of people who don’t own defensive firearms — cowards and fools.” — H.D. Kent