2A News: October 14, 2016 Newsletter by Jeff Pittman
It’s official. Our next president will be a despicable, awful disaster.
Just remember this: “He SAYS bad things; she DOES bad things.” — Tom Gresham
US Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer last week: The Second Amendment doesn’t protect your individual right to own a gun to protect yourself in your own home.
Hillary Clinton said again this week that she would nominate Supreme Court justices who agree with her on the need for more gun control. She said “I respect the Second Amendment, but…”
I guess it depends on what the definition of “respect” is….
And we continue to hear about her plans for bans through executive orders.
We’ve heard nothing new from Trump on guns or courts.
The FY2017 Commerce, Justice, Science Appropriations Bill (HR 2578) passed the US House and included several safeguards for Second Amendment rights: prohibit the implementation of the UN Arms Treaty, stop requiring FFL dealers in southern border states to report multiple rifle sales to the feds, permanently ban ATF from implementing the “sporting purposes” test for the importation of rifles, defund criminal programs like Fast and Furious, and promote the importation of curios and relic firearms. Additionally Rep. Luetkemeyer (R-MO) offered an amendment to stop the use for government funds to support “Operation Choke Point” that passed unanimously. The bill now goes to the Senate for a vote.
The Ferguson Effect
A 17-year veteran Chicago police officer who was one of three officers savagely beaten and fearing death at a car accident scene last week said the officers did not draw their guns on her PCP-hopped-up attacker even though they should have shot him, because they were afraid of the resulting media attention over the shooting of a violent psycho black man. All three officers were badly beaten and required hospitalization. (All should be disciplined for failing to do their jobs, predictably causing injury and possible death.)
Well it is Chicago. Just shoot him as needed, don’t speak to the media, and go home at the end of your day.
Crossroads Mall, St. Cloud, MN, attack update
We now have video and analysis. Graphic. Remember this is a gun free zone.
Townville, SC, school attack update
We have a report that the number of casualties in the Townville Elementary School shootings wasn’t higher because killer stopped shooting, started crying, gave up and said he was sorry.
The killer is 14 years old, and prosecutors plan to ask the judge to let them try him as an adult, for murder.
Call 911 and die…
“Police confirmed it took officers an hour to respond after dispatch failed to prioritize the calls as a burglary in progress.”
“I just want him to leave before it escalates,” a woman told a 911 dispatcher moments before authorities say her husband shot her multiple times at their home while she was on the line with 911 early Saturday.
You know what I’m gonna say here, so no need for me to say it.
“Without further delay, both owners started shooting the suspects.”
Don’t be stupid
Keep your head on a swivel, stay off your phone/device, be proactive and don’t walk into an ambush.
FIFTEEN shooters planned.
“In almost every school shooting the killer does two things.
He obsessively plans his actions to create the largest body count
He tells at least one other person of his plans.”
Blue Lives
Sorry-ass punk kids at the University of California-Irvine recently staged a “Blue Lives Don’t Matter” protest, calling for the end of the campus police department. Our report indicates that this is essentially what they’re being taught at this “university.”
I’m tempted to say “yes, let’s try that,” and see what the results are.
That celebritwit who recently got robbed in Paris and shills for gun control for the rest of us has reportedly beefed up her ARMED security detail to include ex-CIA agents, Israeli specialists, and former US Secret Service members. Plus, there will be ARMED bodyguards assigned to protect her precious sisters.
But you and your family? Nope, she thinks you shouldn’t have protection. I guess because you didn’t do anything fameworthy. Wait… neither did she.
Dumb gun
Report on a smart gun that’s not too smart — it won’t work with wet, dirty, or gloved fingers. Gee, I don’t see any possible problem from that…
Mistaken sheriff
Hinds County, Mississippi, Sheriff Victor Mason said this week that the only guns allowed at the MS State Fair, which is on state property in Jackson, are those carried by law enforcement. Mason says that’s because they are “trained professionals.”
Apparently Sheriff Mason hasn’t read state law, which allows carry there with the enhanced permit, regardless of any signs or “rules” posted by the Fair Commission or the sheriff. (If no signs are posted, CCW with the regular permit, or “purse/holster” carry without any permit are also legal.)
Note that a state attorney general’s opinion states that violation of prohibition signs would not be a weapon violation but instead possibly a trespass violation. The AG also says that state agencies or local governments can restrict OPEN carry and still be compliant with the US Constitution, but it does not address the Mississippi Constitution’s clear prohibition of such restrictions, probably because that’s not the answer the AG and his petitioners wanted. One also wonders about a STATE AG’s opinion of FEDERAL law.
Mississippi AG opinion on local gun ban
License plate readers
In the Jackson, MS metro area, we have a report that there is a Memorandum of Understanding between (Ross Barnett) Reservoir Police, Ridgeland Police, Madison Police, Madison County Sheriff’s Office, and Flowood Police to create and maintain a network of license plate recognition cameras throughout the collective jurisdictions, to share data collected, and apply for grant funding as a unit to achieve this goal. (Jackson, Hinds County, Pearl and Brandon reportedly already have plate readers, as do the feds.)
Might wanna cover your tags at the gun show.
We have reports of hundreds of guns stolen from gun shops during Hurricane Matthew.
.22 LR at 720 yards
Note the necessarily exaggerated scope mounting angle which is a good visual demonstration of how line-of-sight versus line-of-bore works on your ballistics charts. The last video is the long shot.
A 6-year-old boy was attacked by a coyote in a park in Irvine, CA, last weekend. The coyote bit the boy on the arm and tried to drag him away, but the boy’s father and other bystanders managed to get the coyote to drop the boy and scare the animal away.
I’da shot him (the coyote).
Coyotes have bitten six people in the last year in Irvine.

Ever seen an albino moose? Video.
- Henry Repeating Arms will have a .410 lever action shotgun available in 2 versions in January, 2017.
- The JM4 Tactical magnetic holster. Video of how it works. $70-$85.
If you can’t stand behind our troops, feel free to stand in front of them.