2A News (Second Amendment News)

Texas, Mass Killers, Boondocks, Litigation, ND

May 25, 2018 Newsletter by Jeff Pittman


We note that not only was the attacked Santa Fe, TX high school a “gun-free” zone with an “active shooter” (sic) plan and training, it had two armed deputies stationed at the school, who responded within about 4 minutes. But the killer still reportedly lingered for about 25 minutes in a warren of four rooms, killing seven more students and two teachers before exchanging gunfire with police, negotiating and surrendering. We also have a report that school district leaders had agreed last fall to eventually join the state’s school marshal program, which would provide for armed teachers and staff. Had they already done that, I suspect lives would have been saved last week. The school also reportedly had the alternative of going with the Guardian Plan, which requires less training. 29 minutes. They’re very lucky there weren’t a lot more deaths — hundreds more.

Multiple school districts in Wyoming, Georgia, and Florida recently begun allowing volunteer staff to carry a firearm on campus.

Although the killer used a revolver and a pump shotgun legally purchased by his father and taken from their home (we don’t yet know what the father knew), the gun banners are blaming the NRA and calling for bans on “semiautomatic assault weapons.”

Why is the media and the left (but I repeat myself) so obsessed with the Parkland, FL, school massacre, but not so much the Santa Fe, TX, school massacre?

Stop Paying Mass Murderers to Kill Our Kids

“Stationing a law enforcement officer at the school may provide political cover for the sheriff and school board, but it is far from best practice.”

Five Things That Won’t Stop School Shootings and the One That Will

Note that this is reactive, not preventive.  But preventive sometimes fails.

Profiling An Active Killer, by Ron Borsch

Are Schools Unsafe?

The National Center for Education Statistics, looking at numbers from the 2014-2015 school year, found that less than 2% of homicides involving school-age children occurred at school.

From 1992 to 2015, the total was less than 3%.

Children spend more than 13% of their time at school.

Institutional Security” is a contraction of terms! — Farnam


A group of masked attackers in three cars fired AK-47 assault rifles at young people in the French city of Marseille this week, leading to a shoot-out with police before the attackers fled.

But, but, but…. France is a “gun free” zone!


Sen. Mike Lee says the retirement of swing-vote US Supreme Court Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy is a “very real possibility” that could take place before July. President Trump so far has a mixed record on judicial appointments.


Two Ohio men filed a federal lawsuit against Hamilton County Sheriff Jim Neil, the area prosecutor, and the commander of the local Ohio State Highway Patrol post over the state’s CCW licensing process and fees and a law that prohibits the use of a firearm from a motor vehicle, claiming that the latter would open them to criminal charges in a self-defense encounter while in a vehicle and the former places illegal fees and conditions on the right to bear arms.

We note that the SCOTUS previously ruled in Murdock v. Pennsylvania, 319 US 105 (1943) that the power to impose a license fee on a constitutional right amounts to prior restraint and the power to restrict or deny the right and that it is unconstitutional to require a license tax for exercise of a right guaranteed by the federal constitution, saying that no state shall convert a liberty to a privilege, license it and attach a fee to it. The court called the license fee a “flat tax,” and said a tax laid specifically on the exercise of these freedoms would be unconstitutional: “A state may not impose a charge for the enjoyment of a right granted by the Federal Constitution… A person cannot be compelled ‘to purchase, through a license fee or a license tax, the privilege freely granted by the Constitution.'” In 1983, the SCOTUS ruled in Minneapolis Star & Tribune Co. v. Minneapolis Commissioner of Revenue that excise taxes on newsprint and ink were violations of the First Amendment.

Twenty Florida municipalities are suing the state for the right to create their own local gun rules that supersede state preemption laws. They might want to check the state’s constitution and see who created the municipalities in the first place.

Two families have filed suit against the maker of the rifle and the store that sold it to the killer who shot up Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in February.

Six former H&K employees, including two former executives, are on trial in Stuttgart for the violation of Germany’s War Weapons Control Act and the Foreign Trade Act. It is alleged that the company sold approximately 4,500 G36 assault rifles to Mexico between 2006 and 2009 illegally.

“The FBI and NICS were not processing appeals as required by law…”

If the FBI refuses to do what the law requires, why should anyone else?

Bump Stock Ban Failure

Under New Jersey’s new bump-stock ban, residents were required to destroy, dispose of, or turn in their bump stocks by mid-April. So far, New Jersey State Police say, they have not received a single one. In Massachusetts, where residents had until February to surrender their bump stocks under felony penalty, the state police received just three devices.

OK, you banned them and said turn them in. Nobody did. Your move. Molon labe, I suppose.

Criminals Don’t Obey Gun Laws

Duh. That’s the literal definition of “criminal.” And how easy is it? Very.


F-rated US Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-MS) has endorsed Mike Espy, the former Congressman and former US Secretary of Agriculture, in his bid to fill a US Senate seat in a special election this November to replace Mississippi’s Thad Cochran (R). Cindy Hyde-Smith (R) was sworn in to fill Cochran’s unexpired term and is running in the special election. I like Mike, but the fact that extreme leftist, racist, gun-banning Bennie Thompson favors him is, to me, an immediate disqualifier. And of course there’s a reason Bennie doesn’t run for the Senate seat himself.

The NRA’s Political Victory Fund endorsed Martha Roby in the Republican primary on Tuesday, June 5 for US House of Representatives in Alabama’s 2nd Congressional District. According to NRA-PVF, the endorsement is “Based on her support of and commitment to the Second Amendment . . . ”


More CNN lies. That’s about all they do.


The Reno Gazette Journal reports that the Washoe County (NV) School District notified parents last week that a revised dress code has changes that include no longer prohibiting clothing that “promotes weapons.” The notification didn’t mention a still-pending lawsuit filed in federal court by an eighth-grade student’s parents after he was twice told to remove or cover his pro-gun clothing because it violated the dress code.

DO NOT USE Intuit (QuickBooks, TurboTax, ProConnect or Mint)

In the UK, where guns are virtually banned, the so-called royal wedding was protected by LOTS of men with guns. Because the so-called royals are more important than their subjects, same as in 1776. End of lesson.

University of Nebraska-Lincoln sociology (or maybe that’s sociopathic) professor Patricia Wonch Hill was found guilty of vandalizing the home of NRA Chief Lobbyist Chris Cox in Alexandria, VA.

Esquire magazine, never considered to be a quality product, is now calling for the confiscation of ALL of our guns.

Enough is Enough — War on the Media

Dancing in the Blood

White House emails have revealed that just two days after the Sandy Hook/Newtown school massacre, President Barack Obama’s former Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel (then and now the mayor of Chicago) and then US Department of Education Secretary Arne Duncan exchanged emails on how to spin the attack to the liberals’ advantage. Emanuel said, “Go for a vote this week before it fades. Tap peoples (sic) emotion. Make it simple assault weapons.” Emanuel is the one who also previously said that “you never want a serious crisis to go to waste.” Duncan is the same nitwit who is calling for parents to keep their kids out of public schools until Congress kneels before him and passes more gun control laws. Is that what your parents did Arne? (He has a BA in Sociology — it figures.) Meanwhile, Duncan sends his kids to private schools.

Department of Idiocy

A Warren, OH, man, Robin Garlock, 44, put his loaded firearm in the broiler of his oven to keep it away from children in the house. (We are unaware of any broiler feature that makes it child resistant.) You guessed it. His girlfriend later turned the oven on to prepare to cook, and sure enough it cooked off at least one round, justifiably injuring Garlock.

The Only Ones

Shane Taylor, a special agent with the Social Security Administration (whatever that is) has sued Barsony Holsters and Belts LLC and Smith and Wesson, alleging their defective design caused the gun to fire into his thigh while he was trying to clip the holster to his belt. Doubtful.

Nye County, NV, Sheriff Sharon Wehrly, 73, a “certified firearms instructor,” apologized after leaving her gun inside a public bathroom in a casino in a neighboring county last week. The sheriff took her gun out of its holster before laying it down in a restaurant bathroom stall. She then walked out of the bathroom, forgetting her gun for 10 minutes. But a janitor found it and turned it in. Wehrly admitted to at least two other incidences where she had forgotten her gun. Wehrly is running for reelection to a second term in the June 12 primary.

An unidentified Atlanta police officer reportedly shot himself “in the right side” with his service weapon while changing clothes at a police station this week. If my information is correct, Atlanta issues a Glock pistol, meaning it didn’t “just go off.”

Hunting and Fishing

US Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke has proposed to expand hunting and fishing at national wildlife refuges across the United States. The proposal, if finalized, will open more than 248,000 acres to new or expanded hunting and fishing at 30 units in the National Wildlife Refuge System. This would expand the number of refuges open to public hunting to 377 and the number available for fishing to 312.

182 lb. MS Gar

Eagle vs. Fox

Did yawl see this?


You stab like a girl.”

Did you hear about the massacre in Oklahoma City this week? No? Because the lamestream media doesn’t usually report this sort of story. It doesn’t fit their narrative. An armed citizen fatally shot an unidentified man after he walked into a restaurant and bar and opened fire with a pistol, wounding two people. Police Capt. Bo Matthews said “Right now, all I know is that it was just a good Samaritan that was there and looks like he took the right measures to be able to put an end to a terrible, terrible incident.”

NRA Names Sgt. Mathew Cousins of the Bristol, TN, Police Department as LEO of The Year

Shooting Tips for People with Arthritis

How to Have a Negligent Discharge

Tom Gresham & Boondocks

Boondocks Firearms Training Academy, Raymond, MS

Audio. Starts about the 3-minute mark and runs about 20 mins.




Have you seen Swarovski’s BTX binocular spotting scope system? Sweet. I’m accepting donations.

Sig Sauer is now offering component pistol (primed or unprimed) and rifle (unprimed) cartridge cases, for handloading.

Inceptor Ammunition brand, owned by Quantum Ammunition, LLC, announced a new ecommerce platform that will allow customers to purchase Inceptor loaded cartridges and component bullets online directly from the manufacturer.

Standard Manufacturing’s case colored engraved 1911.

Quote of the Week

“Those who have long enjoyed such privileges as we enjoy forget that men have died to win them.” — FDR

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