August 24, 2018 Newsletter by Jeff Pittman
Why we voted
Last week the Senate confirmed the 25th and 26th appellate court judges during President Donald Trump’s tenure, A. Marvin Quattlebaum Jr. and Julius Ness Richardson, both for the US Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit. The Senate has been approving appellate court judges at a rapid pace, already setting a record for the most confirmed during a president’s first two years in office. Republicans noted the fact that now Trump has chosen one out of seven appeals court judges. However, since Trump took office, the Senate has confirmed only one 9th Circuit judge – in Hawaii – leaving seven openings in that circuit and 12 nationwide. A White House official said the president intended to fill the 9th Circuit vacancies with more conservatives.
Eight circuit nominees are still pending as of this writing, as are more than 70 district judge nominees.
We also have a report that Brett Kavanaugh’s SCOTUS confirmation chances are looking real good this week.
President Donald Trump (R) has endorsed Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-MS) for election to a full term to the US Senate in November.
Police shootings and special prosecutors: food for thought
ATF’s Mobile National Integrated Ballistics Information Network shell casing analyzer in MS
The Only Ones
This week, an unidentified off-duty Detroit police officer shot herself in the arm with her service weapon while sitting in a car with another officer at the shooter’s house during an argument with the shooter’s live-in boyfriend.
New CCW permit study from John Lott
Department of Education
The US Dept. of Education is reportedly considering letting states purchase firearms for schools using federal funds, reversing earlier policies and despite laws that bar states from using cash from Washington that way. Our report indicates that the department is considering using the Student Support and Academic Enrichment grants program to support weapons purchases by school districts. The program’s language does not expressly ban states from using federal funds for gun buys for educators, but the NY Times says many other parts of federal education law do, most recently a $50 million per year school-security (sic) program passed earlier this year.
Montana Gov. Steve Bullock (D) said last Sunday that he would support a ban on semiautomatic firearms, and he claims that such a ban would preserve the rights of gun owners. I don’t know what planet he’s from.
Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey (RINO) recommends arrest and incarceration of “suspicious” gun owners for up to 3 weeks, without charging them with a crime or finding them mentally deficient.
I received notice this week that Bank of America will no longer handle the Bass Pro Shops branded credit cards. The new provider appears to be Capital One.* I suspect the move is in part, if not entirely, due to BOA’s anti-gun stance conflicting with the fact that BPS sells guns and its customers buy, carry, and use guns. Good riddance.
*Note that the branded cards offer 2% back in CLUB Points on purchases at BPS/Cabela’s and 1% back in CLUB Points on purchases anywhere else Mastercard credit cards are accepted. But you can get a regular Capital One VISA card with 1.5% CASH back on everything.
Rachel Madcow and MSNBC were caught editing her show to avoid embarrassment over the shooter at the GOP softball practice being a fan of the show.
Discrimination in academia. Well, duh.
Principal Adam GarcÃa Amador of Carlsbad, NM, High School allegedly not only “supported and assisted” gun control advocates in their walkout, but bullied and threatened a pro-Second Amendment student with criminal charges over his planned walkout, even claiming that “the Second Amendment is not even a part of the Bill of Rights.” One wonders about the alleged qualifications to be a principal.
In an idiotic move, an unidentified graduate teaching assistant at the University of Utah taped off a 3-by-3-foot “Second Amendment zone” in “her own” classroom, telling undergraduate students who legally carry there to stand in the tiny deskless area during class, violating university policy and state law. After being notified of the bullying, the university promptly overruled the grad student and assigned her to non-teaching duties for the duration of the semester. The TA wrote in the syllabus that legal CCW “is absurd, antisocial, and frightening behavior.” The TA has reportedly been re-educated and apologized.
Meanwhile, University of Kansas professor Eric Rath asked students in his class to not bring guns “wherever I am present,” in a syllabus, even though state law requires the school to allow the concealed carry of handguns. The syllabus, for an ONLINE course, stated, “Although you may be entitled by law to carry a gun, I urge you not to do so.” The syllabus also included some propaganda from the Giffords gun ban group. Rath will not meet with students in his office for consultation because he does not feel safe allowing visitors since the university’s concealed carry policy went into effect on July 1, 2017. He does offer meetings over email and Skype, though students who wish to meet with Rath must meet in a public or secure location of the professor’s choosing. No word on whether Rath is receiving treatment for his illness.
About David Hogg (he says he’s gonna run for Congress when/if he turns 25).
In London, the bastion of strict gun control laws and where violent crime is apparently rampant, the mayor now wants to ban cars to “help keep people and buildings safe” after automobiles have been driven into cyclists and pedestrians.
From the Kennebunk, Maine Police Department’s Facebook page:
MS Gun Range
We have a report that a new gun shop and indoor range will be opening in Gluckstadt (Madison County), Mississippi next year.
Cheap carry guns. You have no excuse.
The AK-308. Now you’re talking.
Steyr’s Zephyr II appears to be a REALLY nice rimfire sporter. Check it out, and get one — you only live once.
Speer’s Handloading Manual Number 15 is out. $35.
Blaser, who makes really nice rifles, now has a bull-barrel-looking integrally suppressed R8 straight-pull bolt rifle, called the R8 Silence, in .308, .30-06, 8×57, 9.3×62, .300 Win. Mag. and .300 Blaser Mag. They’re gonna start around $6k.
“Armed citizens carry guns to protect themselves from the same vicious criminals the police carry guns to protect them from.” – Massad Ayoob
“Broken crayons still color.” — Lori Block