2A News (Second Amendment News)

Litigation, Fed Judiciary, CWD Cure

February 8, 2019 Newsletter by Jeff Pittman

2019 Tactical Games

This month in Meridian, MS


Pro-Second Amendment ruling in US District Court in PA (more details here). Note that one of the litigating attorneys, Adam Krout, is a recommended candidate for NRA Board of Directors in the current election.

The US Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in California has ruled that police do not need a reason to place a person on the Suspicious Person List, saying “Tips and leads required only ‘mere suspicion,’ a lower standard than the reasonable suspicion required for criminal intelligence data.”


South Dakota now has “constitutional carry” (no permit required for CCW). That is either the 14th or 15th such state, depending on which report you believe.

US House Republican Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA; the one who was shot and critically wounded at the Congressional baseball game practice in June of 2017) said Wednesday that Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee refused to let him testify at a hearing on gun violence [sic] about his experience as a victim of the shooting. This was the first such hearing in the last 8 years. Scalise said that Democrats had chosen not to allow his testimony at the hearing – “Preventing Gun Violence: A Call to Action” – something he said is a courtesy traditionally extended to any lawmaker who wishes to speak. So much for “open and transparent” Democrats.

Federal judiciary reports

Paris massacre this week

Another massacre in Paris this week, with at least 10 people dead and 37 injured in an overnight fire at an apartment building that police are treating as possible arson. One resident was arrested for “revenge arson attack on fireman neighbour.” So far, no reported calls for match control.

Lifesaving Self Defense Tips


Producers for the revival of the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical Oklahoma! announced that it would be the first Broadway production to go “gun neutral,” meaning that while they still use guns to make money, for every prop firearm that appears on stage, the producers will make a small “guilt” contribution to an anti-gun organization. Oklahoma! Producer Eva Price said “Just because a particular story calls for the presence of a particular weapon, that doesn’t mean that we have to remain complacent in America’s gun-violence epidemic… Helping to destroy firearms that shouldn’t be in circulation is both a privilege and a responsibility.” I don’t know about Broadway, but Hollywood would likely go broke with such a scheme.

The Lamestream Media

Bragging on not being accurate.

Be careful with those quotes

An Act of War

Breitbart reports that “Coahuila (Mexico) officials deployed 49 private buses and dozens of police vehicles to help transport and safeguard more than 1,700 migrants to an unsecured part of the Texas border.”

That, folks, is an invasion of the USA by a foreign nation.

Department of Idiocy

The UK’s Home Secretary plans to issue “Knife Crime Prevention Orders” (KCPO) to persons over the age of twelve, who are believed by police to routinely carry a blade. Well Molon Labe, buddy.

In Utah, before you can legally collect shed antlers, you must complete the Division of Wildlife Resources’ free online Antler Gathering Ethics course. Most of the questions have nothing to do with ethics or legal shed collecting, and you have to score 100% to pass. But apparently there are unlimited opportunities to change your wrong answers until you get 100% right. Reckon who’s paying for this?

The Only Ones

The US Attorney’s Office has charged former Taneytown, MD police Chief William Tyler with illegally possessing and transferring two Ruger model KAC556 (.223) machine guns.

US Customs and Border Protection officer Wei Xu has been charged in federal court for allegedly illegally selling dozens of guns from the trunk of a car to an undercover officer. Xu is a watch commander at the Los Angeles and Long Beach ports. Federal prosecutors say Xu used his position as a law enforcement officer to purchase and re-sell guns not available to the general public. (California has strict restrictions on handguns allowed for retail sale, which generally do not apply to LEO customers.) No word on Xu’s LEO statue since his arrest.

Cure for Chronic Wasting Disease?

Now if they can just catch and vaccinate all those cervids

Record shot report: 3 miles

.408 Cheyenne Tactical

political cartoon

Remington shotshells

Remington shotshells

Guess which 3 I need for my collection. (click or tap image to enlarge)


FREE — Mass shooting “Civilian Response Train the Trainer” online course.

MidwayUSA now ships powder and primers together in the same shipment with one hazmat fee.

The KNS Precision SNAPFOOT Bipod Feet Adapter System is a set of leg and feet adapters that allow making Harris, Atlas and Magpul bipod feet cross-compatible.

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