That's some mighty fine police work

Housekeeping, Litigation, Election, Products


Folks, researching and compiling this newsletter takes a lot of time and I am growing weary of doing it. Therefore, I am going to attempt a reduced version, perhaps consisting of less content or lower frequency, or both. I welcome your thoughts.


The Third US Circuit Court of Appeals (DE, NJ, PA, VI) has ruled that a misdemeanor DUI conviction triggers a lifetime ban on firearms possession via the “prohibited person” law.

Meanwhile, the Illinois Supreme Court has ruled a woman’s misdemeanor battery conviction can’t permanently prevent her from registering for a state FOID card and owning a gun, and said the right to keep and bear arms should be considered a civil right, on par with the right to vote, under the state’s firearms regulation.


Everytown for Gun Safety has announced it plans to spend at least $60 million in the 2020 election, which is nearly double what the NRA spent in 2016. Extremely anti-gun billionaire former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg, who is running for the Democratic presidential nomination, is a co-founder of Everytown and is the organization’s largest donor. Everytown has said it will treat him like any other candidate in terms of endorsements. Right. Of course Bloomberg can individually outspend NRA and Everytown put together. Back in February 2019, Bloomberg said he would spend at least $500 million to defeat the current president as either a candidate or as what Politico called “a shadow political party for the Democratic nominee.”

US Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) introduced legislation this week including a federal gun licensing system, universal background checks (private sale ban), mandatory waiting period to purchase, increased age requirement for long gun purchasers, a ban on “bulk” gun purchases, termination of the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, and a revival of the Clinton gun ban. Warren has also demanded criminal punishment for social media users who spread false information about how to vote in elections. You first, Betty.

EVERY Democrat in the race has serious gun control as part of his or her platform.

A Summary of Gunfights That Changed Law Enforcement Tactics

Female Russian Snipers – A Historical Photo

The Only Ones

That's some mighty fine police work 

In Blytheville, Arkansas, Mississippi County Sheriff’s Deputy Matthew Richardson was standing in front of the reception desk at an eye doctor’s office and put a pair of eyeglasses in his right jacket pocket*, where he also had a handgun. Richardson stated that when he put the glasses in his pocket, the handgun fired, shooting him in the privates. Police said Richardson was lawfully in possession of the firearm at the time of the incident and the discharging of the firearm was accidental. No arrest or citation has been made or issued. No word on further training.

*If you’re gonna pocket carry, DON’T use a single action gun or a short-stroke autoloader. DO use a proper pocket holster. DON’T put anything else in that pocket.

ATF agents seized firearms, ammunition, technology, and other items from Lafourche Parish, LA, Sheriff’s Deputy Jesus Frias-Lemus’ home, after Frias-Lemus was arrested with guns in Mexico. ATF agents believe he and his girlfriend, Ana Huerta-Valdez were trafficking firearms across the Mexican border. Lemus’ has since resigned from the department but has not been arrested. ATF dudes: Y’all said there was nothing illegal about trafficking firearms across the border to Mexican drug cartels when y’all did it. What gives?

NYC Parks Department employee allegedly ran massive illegal gun ring

An entire class of 33 new Georgia State Troopers was fired or resigned after they all cheated on a cop test. One might suggest that a whole barrel of bad apples spoils the barrel…


The BATFE will be closing its last remaining data center and moving all of its data and applications to the cloud by the end of this FY. Because apparently nothing bad can happen there.

FBI Fingerprint Files, Circa 1944

Note the caption that by 1971, they had over 200 million cards on file. The US population in 1971 was barely over 200 million. I suggest they’ve not gotten less intrusive since then.


We have a report that SOG knives has dropped the big box models and steels in their lineup (D2 is now the “base” steel in their most affordable knives) and have reoriented more toward increased quality across their product range. They’ve always had good stuff.

FN pistol promotions

Robinson Arms is producing reproduction Stoner 63 rifles and light machine gun variants (semi-automatic) in a limited run of 200 rifles and light machine gun conversion kits with the top-fed magazine.

X Products launchers 

An answer looking for a question. A $225 reflex sight mount in case you bought a sight requiring removal to change the battery. Or just buy a sight that allows battery changes.

Hornady will be adding a .327 Fed. Mag. load to their Critical Defense ammunition line. It will utilize a Hornady 80-grain FTX bullet. No word yet on velocity.

CZ now offers its excellent 457 rifle in a Precision Varmint Chassis edition.

Nighthawk Custom now offers a Korth .44 Mag. revolver.


“My advice to any guy who dates someone who doesn’t hunt — take them.” — Ashley Jones, of The History Channel’s “Swamp People”

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1 thought on “Housekeeping, Litigation, Election, Products”

  1. Jeff Pittman, your weekly report is always anticipated. I can not find your depth of information on the internet. We 2nd Amendment people in Mississippi greatly need organization. I am sad to say that we 2nd Amendment people are somewhat fractured and not easily organized. I would love to see the concealed carry people, the open carry people, the militias, the legal people, the pistol shooters, the long range shooters, and others, all share a site and welcome each other. If this site could host a place to list those groups and contact information that would be good. Contact information would be good. Actual field coordination options, such as visits to our elected officials, would be good. Any ideas people?

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