Action item
Work to defeat the unconstitutional and catastrophic proposal for Washington, D.C. statehood.
This week the U.S. Senate confirmed President Trump’s nomination of Cory Wilson of Mississippi to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. This is Mr. Trump’s 200th judicial nominee, and his 53rd circuit court judge. For the first time in more than four decades, there are no longer any vacancies on the nation’s appeals courts, the judicial level where most of the major rulings are handed down. Wilson, 49, a state appeals court judge and former state legislator, looks to be very good on guns, with a legislative record the gun-ban groups called a “blind allegiance” to the Second Amendment.
Now please let’s keep Mr. Trump in office to make a couple more Supreme Court nominations.
Are the liberals in Chicago getting “woke?” (sic)
Between June 1 and June 17, 2020, there were over 42,089 applications for Illinois Firearm Owner’s ID (FOID) cards (required in order to own a firearm) vs. just 7,000 during the same period last year — an increase of 501%. Gee, I wonder what could have caused that?
About fighting back
Resistance to Violent Crime: What Does the Research Show?
On The Range: Mars vs. Venus
“New male shooters tend to learn better when introduced to a concept or technique by presenting the mechanics of the skill first and then putting that activity into context. Women tend to learn the same skill best when introduced to the context of when and why that particular skill is important and then taught the mechanics of putting it to use.”
On The Range: Mars vs Venus
Maryland State Police warned this week of delays to background checks for those purchasing firearms because of a “catastrophic hardware failure” to a state data system. Maryland also requires those background checks for private transfers of handguns and “assault weapons” (semiautomatic long guns).
A man named Vincent Ogiamien was released from the Rankin County, MS, jail on Thursday afternoon after a DUI arrest. He has been booked SEVEN times before in Rankin County alone, for crimes including motor vehicle theft, drugs, and fleeing police. After his release Thursday, he allegedly raped two people, stole several cars, and shot a woman overnight, before leading police on a chase into Jackson Friday morning where he was captured after he crashed.
The Pelahatchie, MS, police department shut down for a few days due to a positive COVID-19 test.
Massad Ayoob
Dr. Margulies
“I consider hands and feet, knees, elbows and shoulders, to be deadly weapons.”
Ball ammo for defense
Don’t. Just don’t.
Massad Ayoob reports that in one unidentified city alone, a major newspaper’s FOIA study discovered that in well under a decade, five innocent citizens had been shot with police pistol bullets that perforated the bodies of violent offenders and went on their not-so-merry way with tragic results. During the same period, no fewer than seventeen fellow officers were hit by pass-through police bullets that perforated the felon’s body before striking the cops.
The department in question was issuing 115 grain full metal jacket 9mm because the expanding bullets used by virtually all the rest of domestic law enforcement were deemed politically incorrect by the city. The city finally saw the light and solved the problem by issuing hollow points after that study was published.
That’s what happens when you listen to the PC idiots.
Consider this.
Department of Idiocy
The Seattle, WA, School Board voted unanimously Wednesday to suspend a partnership that stations five armed police officers at Seattle schools, as part of a broader proposal “to improve school climate for Black students.” One wonders what the board members are trying to say about black students. Or white students for that matter.
Looney Tunes
Here’s an idea: Instead of taking guns out of Looney Tunes, how about taking the looney tunes out of Congress?

Galco’s updated Vertical Shoulder Holster system, the VHS 4.0, offers recontoured shoulder straps for comfort and concealment, replacement of the earlier Chicago screws with a key-hole harness fastener attachment, the addition of an innovative new tie-down system, and a new spare ammo carrier for revolver fits. The fully modular VHS 4.0 comes as a complete system with vertical holster, shoulder harness, ammo carrier (vertical double mag for autos and horizontal double speedloader for revolvers), tie-downs, and a set of harness fasteners. Optional interchangeable accessories and components may be purchased separately to create your own system. $259. Galco has also expanded its line of gun belts and “dress” gun belts.
Italian gunmaker Pietta has partnered with Davidson’s distributors to produce two new exclusive brass-and-blued (Colt) model 1873 revolvers chambered in .357 Magnum or .45 Colt. These revolvers feature a deep blued finish on the frame, cylinder, and barrel. The trigger guard, front strap, and back strap are a high-polished brass. The sights are the open fixed type with a notch at rear and a blade front. These 1873 models feature the traditional four-click hammer and 4.75″ barrels. $520.