Mississippi local gun bans
Mississippi’s new attorney general seems to have finally found her website. There is now a page for complaints about local governments violating state law concerning gun ban signs.
Attackers don’t always use guns. This example was last Sunday in Florida.
Election. Less than 4 months away.
All 435 seats in the United States House of Representatives, 35 of the 100 seats in the United States Senate, and the office of President of the United States will be decided.
Unsurprisingly, the NRA has endorsed President Donald Trump’s reelection. The National Association of Police Organizations also endorsed President Trump after an “overwhelming vote of the majority of the associations who participated.”

The 2020 Gun Rights Policy Conference scheduled for September 18-20 in Orlando, Florida is going virtual.
The 2020 39th Annual BLADE Show rescheduled for August 7-9 in metro Atlanta has been canceled. It was previously postponed from June. The 40th Annual BLADE Show is scheduled for June 4-6, 2021, at the Cobb Galleria Centre in Atlanta, Georgia.
CCW vs. COVID masks. Mostly a myth.
World events
The Czech Republic is in the process of adding a Second Amendment equivalent to their Constitution. The right to defend oneself and others with a firearm would be added to the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms, which is their version of a Bill of Rights. Communism will cause that.
You’re On Your Own
Police locked in station for 7 hours.

- Guns on boats at sea. Interesting read.
- Reducing lead exposure
- Family safety commands
The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education has repeatedly named Fordham University as one of the worst universities in the country…
The Only Ones
Veteran Hillsborough County, Florida, Sheriff’s Sergeant Janak Amin has been arrested and charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon after he allegedly pointed his gun at and threatened to shoot an unarmed man who was in custody and who made no aggressive actions toward any deputies.
“Following a comprehensive investigation, the [U.S.] Justice Department announced today that it has found reasonable cause to believe the Narcotics Bureau of the Springfield, Massachusetts, Police Department (SPD) engages in a pattern or practice of using excessive force in violation of the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution.”
“Well, you gonna pull those pistols or whistle ‘Dixie’?”
Josey Wales’ revolver up for auction.
- Streamlight’s awesome new Stinger 2020, a rechargeable 2000 lumen/2 hour pocketable flashlight.
- Sig Sauer’s Texas Ranger Limited Edition P320 Full Size Pistol
- Glock’s Modular Magwell

Regarding “Guns on boats at sea”.
1) Guns on boats are just as necessary as guns anywhere else, but probably more so.
2) The plastering of endless gun laws across the face of the planet has the effect that exact interpretation becomes meaningless as the authorities will just pick and choose which ones they want.
3) Since these gun laws clearly render our natural gun rights a ludicrous proposition, it may be best to just dispense with them and operate outside the law.
Think about that for a moment now. You have natural rights. You are prohibited from exercising those rights in any meaningful form unless you belong to certain privileged groups. If you try to “comply” you will spend large amounts of money, not be able to protect yourself all the time, and eventually fall in to a violation “crack” and suffer punishment. Other elements of society operate outside the law where machine gun and rocket launchers are very low cost or you just build them yourself, and they seem to get along pretty well with that in the most anti-gun geopolitical places on the planet. This is an option worth considering. Think about when the U.S. >26 trillion dollar debt causes our global Reserve currency to fail, and then we can’t profit from controlling dollar traded resources. Are you going to successfully apply for a license to carry a weapon in the new “Syria” of the world?