Election & the courts
I’ve said several times before that likely federal judiciary nominations are my only criteria when voting for president. Can I just say one more thing? Donald Trump, Jr., 2024.
Last week, Hawaii Firearms Coalition director Jon Abbott and two other Hawaii residents filed a federal lawsuit against Hawaii Attorney General Clare E. Connors in the US District Court of Hawaii. The lawsuit correctly alleges that Hawaii’s ban (HRS 134-8(c), which stipulates a felony) on the possession of handgun magazines with a capacity greater than ten rounds is unconstitutional. The recent ruling by the 9th Circuit Court in Duncan v. Becerra supports this lawsuit. In that case, the court found that millions of ammunition magazines able to hold more than 10 rounds are in common use by law-abiding responsible citizens for lawful uses like self-defense, and said that such popular (sic) arms are protected by the Second Amendment and can not be subject to a categorical ban. Applying the same logical steps used by the 9th Circuit Court in Duncan, Hawaii’s law is likely to be found unconstitutional. We note that Hawaii is also in the 9th Circuit, but suspect that Duncan v. Becerra may well be overturned en banc. We also strongly disagree that popularity has anything to do with constitutionality.
Supported by Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown group, the cities of Syracuse, San Jose, Chicago, and Columbia, SC have sued the DOJ and BATFE in federal court for the Southern District of New York, claiming that currently legal nonfunctional “80% receivers” are instead actually firearms and therefore the BATFE is accused of failing to follow the Gun Control Act of 1968. We note that it is perfectly legal for non-prohibited persons to build their own guns whether or not they use 80% receivers. We also note that there is no constitutional authority for federal laws requiring those engaged in the gun business to be federally licensed or regulated. No word on demands to license metal supply and hardware stores as FFLs.
“I won’t insult your intelligence by suggesting that you really believe what you just said.” – William F Buckley, Jr. (But I will be happy to. – JP)
He can keep the cow
A Few Thoughts on Jury Duty Nullification Revisited
Mississippi/Chicago connection
- More – Confirms what I said last time.
Meanwhile in Harvey, Illinois, nine of the ten 911 police dispatchers were laid off in one of Chicago’s poorest suburbs.
Semantics and lies
Firearms are NOT a cause of death.
More Medical Propaganda Disguised as a “Study” about Firearms and Risk
I do not support BLM, KKK, antifa, or any other particular abusive groups. I do not support racist laws such as, but not limited to, gun control/licensing or hiring “goals.”
At the time of this writing, I am reading a news item from Kenosha, Wisconsin, reporting that families are currently trapped inside an apartment building that was set on fire by violent BLM rioters. The arsonists are allegedly “protesting” after police shot a violent armed sexual assault suspect who reportedly resisted arrest, not for the first time. But apparently those trapped in the burning building had nothing to do with either side of the dispute. Or maybe, like in so many places these days, the rioters just want to hurt people and destroy things and have no actual provocation. BLM is NOT concerned about any lives.
CNN was Johnny on the spot.
John Farnam’s observations on riots around the country
Short Interval!
“I Saw an Opportunity and I Took It”
- Don’t give them an opportunity. Language warning.
Ellifritz notes that, “You can’t stop people like this because they don’t operate with the same mental processes that you have.” I say that actually you can, but it’s better to never be in that position.
Back shooting: how is it justified?
We’ve covered this before, but here’s a reminder for your ammo wallet.
The Only Ones
An unidentified Orange County, CA, sheriff’s sergeant’s gun “accidentally” went off Wednesday morning in an administrative office at John Wayne Airport. The round went through a wall and struck an employee in the next room in the arm.
“You have a right to protect yourself in your home and be free from home invaders, armed burglars, and certainly he was armed with a tire iron and making an attempt to come in through the window,” Sheriff Grady Judd said. “She stopped him. She stopped him permanently.”
Public hunting & fishing lands
Last week, U.S. Secretary of the Interior David L. Bernhardt announced the historic opening and expansion of over 850 hunting and fishing opportunities across more than 2.3 million acres at 147 national wildlife refuges and national fish hatcheries. This rule is the single largest expansion of hunting and fishing opportunities by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in history.
Of course, public lands and waters should be open to hunting and fishing by default and definition.
Glock’s Slimline 43X and 48 9mm pistols are now available in the Modular Optic System (MOS) configuration with a micro-optic-ready factory-milled slide and a slim rail.
Hogue now has G-10 grips for some guns. G-10 is a medium weave, highly compressed epoxy-filled, woven fiberglass composite (laminate) material with glass fiber reinforcement. It is made with layers of fiberglass soaked in resin, then highly compressed and baked. The tensile strength is about 55,000 psi, and compressive strength is about 65,000 psi. It is very tough, durable, nearly indestructible, exceptionally strong, lightweight, impervious to liquids and most chemicals, and resistant to extreme conditions. It has excellent tactile and grip characteristics as well as good thermal insulating qualities. It is commonly used for knife handles/scales.
Good trauma first aid kit. High quality. Retroactive price match guarantee.
“If you are not armed all the time, you are a fool.” — Michael Bane