The 35th Annual Gun Rights Policy Conference (GRPC 2020) will be held ONLINE next weekend, September 19 & 20th, 2020. Hosted by the Second Amendment Foundation and the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. The conference agenda includes 32 panel discussions including the very heavy hitters in the gun rights movement. FREE.

A plain reading — not “analysis” — of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden’s gun bill, now in both houses of Congress, will require current and future gun owners to pass psychology and character tests to continue owning the firearms they already legally possess. When asked, legal experts have been unable to describe how this would be legal, not that it matters to Joe.
Full Fudd
On Friday, the Biden/Harris campaign announced the creation of “Sportsmen and Sportswomen for Biden,” an astroturf front group gaggle of anti-gun Democratic officials and party stalwarts billed as “bipartisan.”
President Trump has released a list of 20 additional names of his potential SCOTUS nominees, which he said would be in the mold of the late Associate Justice Antonin Scalia and current Associate Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito. That’s about as good as we could do. Likely judicial nominations are the SOLE criteria I use when deciding on my vote for president.
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit upholds New Jersey mag ban. Competing rulings between circuits mean that SCOTUS may finally do its job.
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit will re-hear en banc the bump stock ban case, Aposhian v. Barr, et al., including on Chevron issues.
The U.S. District Court for Hawaii has issued an erroneous opinion in Teter v. Connors that says that even if butterfly or “balisong” knives are protected by the Second Amendment of the Constitution, a state law banning any possession, manufacture or transport of such knives is constitutionally valid.
A new federal lawsuit filed by a coffee shop and a church in the Houston, Texas area, supported by Everytown for Gun Safety’s (sic) in-house law firm, claims that the free speech rights of those wanting to ban guns from their property has been burdened by Texas’ requirement that they must display the signage as required by the state legislature, instead of being able to use whatever sign they want.
(“The keep and bear arms right of those law-abiding citizens wanting to peacefully exercise it has been burdened by various governments’ requirement that they only bear such arms and in such manners as prescribed by the state legislatures and Congress, instead of being able to use whatever gun they want.” There, fixed it for you. – JP)
MS CCW license renewals
The Mississippi Department of Public Safety has announced that effective immediately, all firearm permit renewal applications will be mail-in only. Applications are available online. This program will eliminate the need to renew in person and the requirement that customers be fingerprinted for a firearm permit renewal. New firearms permits will also be issued at all trooper stations in Mississippi, five days a week. I’m so happy that after 30 years of bureaucratic nonsense regarding the gun permits, we finally apparently have someone running the Department who has more than two brain cells to rub together.
YOYO: protests and riots
A new study out of Princeton University reveals that 48 out of the 50 and 74 out of the 100 most populous cities in the United States have experienced riots associated with the Black Lives Matter movement since late May.

Last weekend, New York City experienced 23 criminal shootings, and the City’s Democratic anti-gun Mayor Bill de Blasio called it a “peaceful weekend.” A New York Post report noted that the NYPD’s clearance rate for shootings is hovering below 20% this year.
Nobody “needs” an evil black rifle? Well nobody needs a whiny little snot, but there they are.
Brownells is donating $50,000 to the California Rifle & Pistol Association to help fund the fight to restore freedom and standard-capacity magazines to California gun owners.
Hornady Manufacturing contributed $500,000 to NSSF’s #GUNVOTE® voter registration and education campaign.
SIG SAUER contributed $250,000 to NSSF’s #GUNVOTE® voter registration and education campaign.
Department of Idiocy
A seventh grader AT HOME was attending on online art class for his school, Grand Mountain, a K-8 grade school in the Widefield District #3, just south of Colorado Springs, when a teacher allegedly saw him flash an obvious toy Nerf gun across his computer screen while moving it from one place to another during his virtual class. The toy in question is a neon green and black handgun with an orange tip with the words “Zombie Hunter” printed on the side. The teacher notified the school principal who suspended the boy for five days and called the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office to conduct a welfare check on the boy without calling his parents first.
Meanwhile, a Baltimore County, MD, fifth-grader also got a visit from the police after his teacher called to report that she had seen a BB gun properly stored on the wall behind the student IN HIS HOME during a class video call.
I swear, if I was Zooming into a virtual school class today, I’d be doing it from a live gun range.
Gun “game” turns fatal. You can’t make this up.
Another actual headline you can’t make up: “A French man chased a fly around with an electric swatter and accidentally blew up his own house.”
Gas leak + electric swatter.
Misc. Info
- Situational awareness by Tom Givens. Read the story about the restaurant.
- Information from the late William Aprill
- How to not screw up

The Only Ones
After a woman called 911 on Friday for help calming down her “small” 13-year-old son, who is on the autism spectrum and was throwing a tantrum, an unidentified Salt Lake City police officer shot the boy when he tried to run away. The report states that the boy was not violent or armed.
Minority Report
Pasco County, FL, Sheriff Chris Nocco has implemented a system to continuously monitor and harass Pasco County residents. The Sheriff’s Office generates lists of people it considers likely to break the law, based on arrest histories, unspecified intelligence and arbitrary decisions by police analysts. Then it sends deputies to find and interrogate anyone whose name appears, often without probable cause, a search warrant or evidence of a specific crime.
Industry news
The Wall Street Journal reports that “Firearms maker Remington Outdoor Co. has agreed to sell its ammunition business out of bankruptcy to South Carolina-based investment firm JJE Capital Holdings LLC for $65 million plus the assumption of liabilities, subject to better offers. The JJE offer came in the form of a stalking-horse bid, setting a floor on the sale price for Remington’s ammunition business…” (which includes Barnes)
Why I carry a Baer. Plus, Les is a nice guy.
New Black Collar Arms Forged Carbon Fiber Components are made with a forged carbon fiber process that can produce complex shapes one-third the weight of titanium, yet stronger. 30 and 34 mm scope rings are now available.
Trainer Greg Ellifritz says the amplification of Champion Vanquish Pro Elite Electronic Hearing Muffs is significantly greater than other models he’s tried. That’s good for us old deaf folks and for hunters. They are USB rechargeable and Bluetooth compatible, so if you’re using them for home defense you can call 911 hands free and you can also set them up as a “trusted device” which will unlock your cellphone as soon as you turn them on.
Sig Sauer’s new limited edition P220 Legion Carry SAO in .45 ACP is an enhanced, everyday carry version of the original P220. It’s pretty cool.
Trijicon’s new RMRcc (Ruggedized Miniature Reflex for Concealed Carry) is intended to fit all of the most popular concealed carry pistols on the market with a smaller frame than the RMR, while keeping all the features of the RMR, including easy-to-use buttons, a hard-to-change 2032 battery with up to 4 years of illumination, and a wide variety of mounts. The RMRcc is 0.1″ narrower and 0.2″ shorter in height than the RMR. The RMRcc is available in either a 3.25 or 6.5 MOA dot size. $700.
Warren Innovative Technologies, LLC Composite Field Punch – The outer material is chopped carbon microfiber reinforced nylon and the inside is continuous carbon fiber, making the tool as strong as aluminum and practically weightless.
“This is a great example of citizens utilizing their second amendment rights and protecting themselves and their family. I have often stated that law enforcement can be minutes away when you only have seconds to defend yourself and your family. That’s why we at the sheriff’s office are proponents of not only having a weapon for self defense but also being proficient in how to use it.” – Cullman County, AL, Sheriff Matt Gentry
“Not every quotation on the Internet is true.” – Abraham Lincoln (courtesy of Clayton Cramer)