Election. The election is THIS Tuesday. Vote.
- GOA congressional candidate ratings
- NRA candidate grades
- 10 key issues in the current party platforms
Herschel Walker, not typically known as a political analyst, nails it.
Third Party candidates for President? Don’t. Just don’t. Remember Ross Perot?
Can’t trust Hunter Biden with a gun either. It may not matter — if tried and found guilty of his alleged rampant criminal activity peddling influence to foreigners and laundering the money, he should be going to prison.
Mike Espy, Democratic candidate for the U.S. Senate seat for Mississippi currently held by Cindy Hyde-Smith (R), has former US Attorney General Eric Holder, who was convicted of contempt of Congress, campaigning for him. Holder was responsible for the felonious and murderous “Fast and Furious” debacle in which US ATF agents illegally ran guns to Mexican drug cartels. That sure makes me wonder if Espy, who once did some NRA publicity but is now rated “F” by Gun Owners of America, is a good guy after all. “Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. The third time it’s enemy action.” – uttered by Auric Goldfinger in Ian Fleming’s novel “Goldfinger”
Good write-up on Biden/Harris and gun control history.

If Mississippi voters approve either of the two proposed constitutional amendments that would legalize medical marijuana, would-be gun buyers from the state could find themselves in legal trouble because one of the questions on the ATF’s firearms transaction form is, “Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?” The form goes on to note, “Warning: The use or possession of marijuana remains unlawful under Federal law regardless of whether it has been legalized or decriminalized for medicinal or recreational purposes in the state where you reside.”
Litigation & SCOTUS

Amy Coney Barrett has been confirmed as our newest Supreme Court Justice.
Even though the American Bar Association rated her as “well qualified” — its highest rating — and she has an impeccable resume, U.S. Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-MS) called her “unqualified.” We note that Thompson himself has no law degree and but holds a B.A. in political science and an M.S. in educational administration from a couple of third-rate minor universities in Mississippi. He has no work or professional record outside of being an elected politician, except for a short stint as a teacher. That’s “unqualified.”
Now if we can retire the Three Stooges… Let the lawsuits begin!
- Ninth Circuit District Judge Delivers Another Superbly Written Court Order
- Washington State Firearm Confiscation Law Found Unconstitutional. Duh.
The Mississippi Wildlife Federation (MWF) has filed suit in federal court seeking damages and injunctive relief against multiple individuals and state agencies for unconstitutional retaliation against MWF for exercising its First Amendment right to political speech. The suit alleges a conspiracy to achieve the unconstitutional takeover of MWF’s popular annual trademarked Wildlife Extravaganza, and the denial of MWF’s access to public lands. Some believe the suit has a lot of merit, but the burden of proof is on the MWF.
Prosecutors have dropped criminal charges against a 4th-grade student after he was seen with a BB gun IN HIS HOME during an online class in Louisiana. The school district, East Baton Rouge Parish, recommended him for expulsion and the boy was forced to temporarily enroll in another district. No word on criminal charges for the school and police officials involved.
Gun Owners of America is suing the ATF because the agency blocked FFLs in Alabama and Michigan from allowing buyers to use their concealed handgun permits in place of going through the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS). Federal law says that state concealed handgun permits that meet or exceed the requirement of section 922(t)(3) of U.S. Code Title 18 can be accepted by dealers in lieu of the otherwise required background checks.
ATF stuff
The Only Ones
San Bernardino police are investigating an incident involving an unidentified Cal State University San Bernardino law enforcement officer shown on surveillance video pulling his gun and pointing it at a fellow officer, apparently during a dispute over COVID mask enforcement authority. Felony assault.
Blast from the past
Stay ready
“I was involved in two shootings. In the first, I killed the man. In the second, I got shot down. Both of them were a total surprise.”
Self Defense
How many shots will you need for self defense? Ten?

- Concealed Carry for Women of All Body Types — 1500 CCW women (would that be CCWW?) were surveyed about their carry methods and challenges. Divided into “thin,” “average” and “heavy.” I was surprised that across the board, waistline-area carry was preferred by the majority. But what do I know – I’m a man. Here are the results.
- Comparison of self defense “insurance” options. The comparison isn’t perfect.
Gun sales
It’s official. The lamestream media has noticed the record gun sales levels, and the fact that a large percentage of them are to first-time gun buyers. They also noticed that a lot of these new gun owners remain politically to the left and are literally voting for folks who have vowed to take their brand-new guns away. Perhaps they’re suffering from some form of dysphoria…
Doctor, doctor, give me the news…
A new study by researchers at New Mexico State University and the University of Toledo revealed that being a health care provider was one of the strongest predictors of buying a firearm during the first few weeks of the coronavirus pandemic. 67% of people who reported buying a gun during the pandemic also reported being health care professionals.
Chicago vs. Mississippi
You’ve seen the bogus allegations from leftist Yankee officials that blame Mississippi’s non-onerous gun laws for the violence in Chicago. But now we have a report that a mass shooting in which ten people were shot, two fatally, occurred during a post-funeral gathering in Mississippi last weekend. It turns out that the deceased victims and other relatives from Chicago and from Greenwood, MS, were in Greenwood to attend a relative’s funeral.
So maybe it’s not the Mississippi guns — maybe it’s the Chicago thugs.
More from Mississippi
“We can’t do anything about a son shooting his mother. We can’t do anything about some of these shootings in front of a funeral home or in a hotel room. We can do something about individuals flashing guns across the city.” — Jackson, MS, PD Chief James Davis
That sounds like the chief is more worried about people “flashing” guns and not hurting anyone or perhaps not even breaking any laws than he is about actual murders.
- More than you wanted to know about magazines
Actual headline
I guess I now need a chicken gun.
Gray wolves no longer a threatened species
The U.S. Dept. of Interior’s Fish & Wildlife Service is de-listing the gray wolf from Endangered Species Act threatened species protection in most of the U.S. after populations have successfully rebounded. The decision keeps protections for a small population of Mexican gray wolves in the Southwest. The wolves lose protection 60 days after the decision is published Nov. 3 in the Federal Register, although the USFWS will continue monitoring their populations for five years. Current populations exceed 6,000 in the lower 48 states, far beyond the goal set 45 years ago when they were first listed for federal protection. State and tribal wildlife agencies will resume responsibility to sustainable management.

JMB factoid
A new, not yet published biography of John Browning mentions that JMB had unusual spatial thinking. He almost never drew what he was going to make. The one time he sent Winchester drawings instead of a model gun, it did not work.
I recall that when taking an engineering graphics (drafting or mechanical drawing) course some four decades ago, we sometimes had to first carve an object out of soap or soft wood in order to see how to draw it. That’s right — make it first and draw it second.
Cinematic musings
Have you ever thought about how much cooler Dirty Harry would have been if he had been able to use a Colt Anaconda instead of a Smith 29?
Wallyworld, this week
“We have seen some isolated civil unrest and as we have done on several occasions over the last few years, we have moved our firearms and ammunition off the sales floor [in all stores – JP] as a precaution for the safety of our associates and customers.” — Walmart press release this week
The company said the items remain available for purchase by customers. But why would you buy anything from them?
Industry news
The NSSF has canceled the 2021 SHOT show.
Remington updates
Remington has terminated 585 employees its Ilion, New York plant and reportedly is also refusing to pay severance and accrued vacation benefits it is obligated to pay, according to a statement from the United Mine Workers of America, the union that represents the workers. The bankrupt company was purchased by Roundhill Group, LLC, which does not yet have an FFL. Rumor has it that the company plans to bring back around 400 workers once they’re back up to speed. I wouldn’t be surprised if Roundhill, which has no known history in Ilion, moved those production lines to a more work- and gun-friendly southern state.
The debacle apparently has triggered a federal investigation into Remington Outdoor Company’s handling of the sale of company assets to the Roundhill Group and Remington CEO Ken D’Arcy. D’Arcy allegedly was presiding over the fall of the company, then was secretly involved in the Roundhill Group while it was bidding on the Remington-branded firearms business in order to regain control after the bankruptcy and dissolution. Roundhill purchased the Remington Arms factory in Ilion, N.Y. and handgun barrel factory in Lenior City, Tenn., plus equipment and machinery, Remington-brand related trademarks, firearms and components inventory.
Kimber has announced that its company’s official headquarters has completed its move ahead of schedule to Troy, Alabama, where the gunmaker has been expanding in recent years. Kimber also says they are “hiring aggressively in all departments” there. Founded originally in Oregon, Kimber home has been in Yonkers, New York home for more than 20 years. Why Troy, Alabama? Because of its proximity to top-tier engineering schools as well as gun- and business-friendly support from the city and state. Oh, and no forced labor unions. Now if they would start making rimfire rifles again…
- American Cop magazine is back. Online only. Free.
- American Cop magazine’s free email newsletter.
- Write-up on the Cooper Model 57M rifle. I REALLY like Cooper rifles. This shows why. By the way, Cooper rimfires will function with Anschutz magazines.
- Hornady Black buckshot load review
- Federal Premium has a new Prairie Storm FS Lead load in 28 gauge.
- Turnbull Restoration is now offering CZ 457 Lux rifles with their special treatment.
- Savage Arms has added three new models to their Stevens 320 pump shotgun lineup. The new models, in 12 and 20 gauge, feature thumbhole stocks and short barrels. Great for defense or turkey hunting.
- Want to do your own terminal ballistics testing? Clear Ballistics has starter kits with either 10% or 20% reusable ballistic gelatin and everything you need to get started.
- Surefire has some new 123A Lithium Iron Phosphate Rechargeable Batteries
- Dual-feed belt-fed upper for your AR-15. Accepts ALL AR15/M16 Magazines & M27 Linked Ammunition
- AR pistol lower with birds head grip, no buffer tube required. Hmmmm… put that upper on that lower and have a belt-fed pistol!
Daisy Outdoor Products has announced its new special-edition Christmas Wish Red Ryder, like the one from the cult classic movie “A Christmas Story.” It comes with a compass and a sundial in the stock. Just $28.60 at wallyworld if you can find one. Now if I can just find a Zoom classroom to show it off in…
Lyman has stainless steel “Pro” reloading dies. Not real cheap. I suspect that tool steel may be superior to stainless for this application unless you’re storing them out in your shop and have a rust problem.
“There are other things so clearly out of the power of Congress, that the bare recital of them is sufficient, I mean the ‘…rights of bearing arms for defence, or for killing game…’ These things seem to have been inserted among their objections, merely to induce the ignorant to believe that Congress would have a power over such objects and to infer from their being refused a place in the Constitution, their intention to exercise that power to the oppression of the people.” — Alexander White, 1787