Don't call us guns

NRA, Enemies, ATF


Utah and Montana have both passed constitutional carry laws. There are now 18 states that recognize the right of legal gun owners to lawfully bear arms without a government permission slip.


How to help fix the NRA.

  1. Listen to the first ~23 minutes of last Sunday’s Gun Talk Radio.
  2. Take action.

(Disclaimer: I am a Benefactor Life Member of the NRA.)



The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms announced it is updating its list of businesses and CEOs who push for increased gun control and prohibition, adding Gucci to the roster.

As promised, last weekend President “Shotgun” Joe Biden called for more unconstitutional gun control, including “universal” background checks (registration) for gun sales, banning guns, banning magazines, and repeal of the Protection of LAWFUL Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA).

“Nothing we are going to do is fundamentally going to alter or eliminate the possibility of another mass shooting or guarantee that we will bring gun deaths down,” – Joe Biden, Feb. 1, 2013

Alan Gottlieb, founder of the Second Amendment Foundation, said of the White House efforts, “Legislation is going to be a heavy lift because we will pull out all the stops. Anything he does by executive order that’s an overreach, we’ll file suit in court.”

Given the Democrat trifecta in Washington, the courts are our main resource. Let’s help fund the SAF’s effort on our behalf. (Disclaimer: I am a Life Member of SAF – join here. I receive nothing at all for promoting the organization or its work.)


Children and guns – Goldsboro, NC. A 12-year-old boy allegedly shot at two armed home invaders who had shot his grandmother. One of the perps died.

An 82-year-old home invasion victim in South Carolina beat his assailant to death with a shotgun. Dude, I’m glad you’re OK, but that’s now how guns are supposed to work.



The Only Ones

Criminal charges have been dropped against two police officers seen on video last June shoving a 75-year-old protester to the ground in Buffalo, N.Y. The victim, who was not touching or threatening the officers, was brutally shoved backward, fell, and started bleeding almost immediately after hitting his head on the pavement and spent about a month in the hospital with a fractured skull and brain injury.

A grand jury declined to indict Buffalo officers Robert McCabe and Aaron Torgalski on felony assault charges, because apparently they felt the offense didn’t rise to the level of a felony. The video of the incident was reported to be the main evidence, but I question whether it was the same video we saw on the news.

Former Chattanooga Police Officer Eric Brown resigned just before being fired late last year after the department determined he’d stolen two firearms — one of which he pawned — from recently deceased Chattanoogans whose families called police to help determine what to do with the weapons. Brown was arrested and cited for misdemeanor theft of property under $1,000 on May 13. He was sentenced to a year of probation and granted judicial diversion. The department is in the process of requesting Brown’s de-certification from Tennessee’s law enforcement accreditation commission.



“Sixteen states currently allow permit-less constitutional carry of a firearm. Of those 16, exactly none of them are embroiled in the kind of urban chaos and anarchy consuming places like Chicago, New York, Seattle and Portland. Something tells me there’s a correlation there someplace.” – Will Dabbs, M.D.


Ammo choice

“Today I load my 9mms with one of three preferred loads: the Winchester 127-grain Ranger-T +P+ known for tearing wound channels similar to those of .357 SIG, the Speer 124-grain +P Gold Dot, which works well through barriers and expands well; and the Federal 9BPLE 115-grain +P+ producing short but wide wound paths whenever over-penetration is an overriding concern.” – Massad Ayoob


“Probability-wise therefore, carrying a 17 round sidearm with no spare magazine is less prudent than carrying a 7 round sidearm with a spare magazine.” – Greg Moats

“Your chances of having a malfunction with most pistols is greater than your chance of having to reload the pistol.” – Tiger McKee


“You must understand what the game is if you are going to play. DOJ and ATF do NOT want your compliance. Last thing they want. They want to be able to drop the hammer at will if they need to control that person or company.” – Len Savage




Industry news


We have a rumor that an unidentified ammo maker is going to build a new factory to produce primers. Goody.

Browning’s new Maxus II Rifled Deer autoloading shotgun features a 22″ thick-walled fully rifled barrel and a cantilever Weaver-style optics rail on the receiver. 12 ga., 3″. $1740.

Bergara’s .22 LR B-14R Trainer rifle will be available in a left-handed version.

Tipton’s new Nope Rope is a long bore snake type pull-through bore cleaner with both ends threaded so you can drop the weighted end through your bore one time, then thread it to the other end and clean circuitously and continuously until you’re done. $9 single or $15 for a pair.

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1 thought on “NRA, Enemies, ATF”

  1. Every time I see some comment that the US Capital offensive was a heinous disgraceful immoral act I think of all the heinous disgraceful immoral acts that people like Sheila Jackson Lee and her comrades are dropping on us and how many people’s lives are ruined because of that. So we are not allowed to protest (fight) back? Think 1775.

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