2A News (Second Amendment News)

Litigation, ATF, Home Security



Dept. of Idiocy


Jefferson Parish School Board has agreed to pay $165,000 to settle lawsuits by parents of two children suspended last year for holding BB guns while at home during online classes. The Board also agreed to clean up the students’ records to remove the weapons references. A fourth-grade and a sixth-grade student both got suspended last September after teachers saw them with BB guns when the children were logged into classes from home. Their families filed suit against the Jefferson Parish School Board in federal court, arguing the punishments violated the children’s rights to freedom of expression, to bear arms and due process. The Jefferson Parish School Board announced Wednesday that it had settled both lawsuits out of court. I suspect the funding for the settlement comes from the taxpayers, who didn’t commit this crime.

Culper Precision, a Utah company that makes custom modifications to firearms, debuted what it described as a fun new product: a kit that encases Glock handguns in red, yellow and blue Lego blocks, making real pistols look exactly like children’s toys. Production ceased after Lego and everyone with a brain took exception.

Cops know guns?

Our local sheriff’s department is giving away cable-type gun locks in hopes of reducing accidental shootings by kids. But when he demonstrated the locks’ use, a deputy ran the cable with its steel end through a pistol barrel. Nope. Run it through the open action and mag well of a pistol or through the open cylinder of a revolver.


A number of law enforcement minions across Louisiana are urging the Louisiana legislature not to vote to override a concealed carry bill that Gov. John Bel Edwards vetoed during the regular session. The bill would eliminate permits currently required to legally carry a concealed firearm in that state. (Yet exactly NOWHERE that such permits have been eliminated has the predicted crime wave or bloodbath ensued, or for that matter, not even in places where it was predicted for any method of citizens bearing arms. Further, the Constitution does not allow for government to require its permission for citizens to peaceably exercise their civil rights.)

Country Music “Stars” Who Support Gun Control (and don’t want your patronage)

We have a report that Looney Tunes has re-armed Elmer Fudd with a GUN! Apparently a gunless hunter or Yosemite Sam wasn’t very popular.

A little good news

Home Security




“If you are reading this and can’t put your hand on your defensive firearm, all of your training is wasted.” – Col. Jeff Cooper

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