The Second Amendment Foundation’s FREE 36th Annual Gun Rights Policy Conference (GRPC 2021) will be held virtually online on September 25th & 26th, 2021.
Register here.
The 2021 NRA Annual Meeting and fall board meeting is now scheduled to be held Saturday, Oct. 2, 2021, at 9:00 a.m. in Charlotte, North Carolina in the Symphony Ballroom at the Sheraton & Le Meridien Charlotte Hotel Complex located at 555 South McDowell Street. We will see.
NY Suit to Dissolve NRA: Answers and Motions Filed
Court packing: Biden’s turn.
2A vs. Illegal Immigrants. May be appealed to SCOTUS, who may not take it up.
The U.S. District Court in Connecticut has rejected a Connecticut police officer’s demand for qualified immunity after he arrested a driver with a valid gun permit for his legally-owned firearm, for carrying said firearm. That’s right; the officer arrested a man for complying with the law.
U.S. District Judge Robert Dow has ruled that a section of the Illinois Firearm Concealed Carry Act violates the Second Amendment by forbidding people with concealed carry licenses from carrying guns anywhere in the 70,000-acre Cook County Forest Preserve.
State attorneys general from Arizona, Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, and West Virginia went on record opposing the BATFE’s proposed rule to require federal registration of handguns equipped with stabilizing braces which “could” be used as shoulder stocks. Over 209,044 comments on the proposal were received by the BATFE, but as mail is received and processed that number will increase. The comments on the proposed brace ban were overwhelmingly negative, as many commenters accused the ATF of criminalizing law-abiding Americans while failing to substantively improve violence prevention.
Fakebook is still coming after your guns.
Also this from Fakebook.
Enemy action reminder: animal rights groups
A man arrested on a violent crime charge and freed by a bail fund that anti-gun Vice President Kamala Harris touted has now been charged with two counts murder using a gun less than a month after he was sprung. Way to go Ms. V.P.
Rolling Stone magazine. Still a big fat liar.
National Endowment for the Arts (your tax dollars)
Former employee blows the whistle on the anti-gun group Everytown For Gun Safety. It seems that the NRA isn’t the only corrupt gun-related group.
Florida Retirement System – the state’s public employee pension fund.
U.S. Military
I still say President Biden and some of his top military commanders should be tried for treason.

- Bo Duke. (We note that “The Dukes of Hazzard” has been banned from TV due to the Confederate flag on the car.)

The Only Ones
A Reedley, CA, Police officer chasing a suspect instead shot a homeowner in his own house where the suspect had broken in and run through.
Meanwhile over in Los Angeles County, CA, the sheriff’s department is full of gang members. If you believe Rolling Stone.
Gun class
The Marion, MS Police Department has partnered with local law enforcement and gun stores to inform the public about everything surrounding gun ownership with a free class called “Firearm Responsibilities and Rights,” to be offered at the Shriners Building in Marion on Thurs, Sept. 23.
“Dot” sights
Anybody with astigmatism and experience want to weigh in on red dot vs. green dot holographic (not laser) sights?
When someone starts trying to tell you about long range shooting, you might want to ask how much math he/she took in school, and what the grades were. Just sayin’…
Not Math
“Gnu” is an anagram of “gun.” Just so you know.
Bushmaster is now selling guns online “direct” from factory to your FFL.
Beretta’s M9A4 pistol.