2A News Special Edition - Mississippi

Special Edition – 2022 Mississippi Gun Bills

Summary of gun related bills filed this legislative session. NOT guaranteed complete.

Next deadline: February 1 for committees to act on bills.

HB 125
By: Rep. Miles
Ref: Constitution; Jud. B

Prohibits firing a gun within 1500 feet of a building on school, church, public park, ballpark, public gymnasium, youth center or movie theater property, or within 1000 feet of those properties. Very poorly worded bill.

HB 141
By: Rep. Paden
Ref: Jud. B; Constitution

Requires CCW license applicants to provide proof that they have submitted to a mental health evaluation and such evaluation evidences no sign of mental illness. The evaluation must be performed by a psychiatrist licensed in this state and the evaluation taken no more than twelve (12) months before submitting an application for a license.

HB 170
By: Rep. Patterson
Ref: Jud. B

Exempts CCW licensees from carrying the CCW license during mandatory emergency evacuations. Does not provide for non-licensees’ exemption from a license in the same situation.

HB 183 & 187
By: Rep. Burnett
Ref: Jud. B

Authorizes nonviolent felons to possess and use otherwise prohibited weapons, including firearms, in defense of their residence or owned motor vehicle.

HB 247
By: Rep. Denton
Ref: Jud. B; Constitution

Apparently unnecessary clarifications of CCW prohibitions for the mentally incompetent.

HB 253
By: Reps. Oliver, Ladner, Barnett
Ref: Constitution

Second Amendment Preservation Act. With some exceptions, beefs-up state preemption of local gun laws and prohibits enforcement of federal laws violating Second Amendment.

HB 254
By: Rep. Patterson
Ref: Jud. B

Interposes state law in place of any federal law confiscating firearms.

HB 361
By: Rep. Wright
Ref: Rules

Authorizes House and Senate Sergeant at Arms to carry firearms. We note that if those sergeants have enhanced concealed carry licenses, they are already legal to carry at the State Capitol.

HB 595
By: Rep. Criswell
Ref: Jud. B

Firearms Protection Act. Prohibits enforcement of federal firearms laws in the cases of intrastate items or semiauto or magazine bans.

HB 597
By: Rep. Criswell
Ref: Jud. B

Removes the term “stun gun” from the concealed firearms category in state law, thus making them legal to carry without restriction.

HB 667
By: Rep. Debra Gibbs
Ref: Education

Requires school district employees to attend active shooter training every three years.

HB 712
By: Rep. Banks
Ref: Constitution; Jud. B

Repeals limitations on local governments’ abuse of the public’s right to keep and bear arms under state law.

SB 2021
By: Sen. Hill
Ref: Jud. A

Provides for enhanced CCW licenses for 18-20 year olds.

SB 2042
By: Sens. McCaughn, Boyd & Suber
Ref: Jud. B

Clarifies that possession of multiple firearms shall subject a felon to multiple charges of possession. Doesn’t seem to be worded well.

SB 2290
By: Sen. Jordan
Ref: Elections; Constitution

CLAIMS to restore ALL civil rights to a criminal who has paid his or her debt to society. In actuality, this bill seems to be only about voting rights for the Left.

SB 2353
By: Sen. McDaniel
Ref: Jud. A; Accountability, Efficiency, Transparency

Prohibits state/local enforcement of federal rules or regulations unless specifically authorized by the state legislature.

SB 2355
By: Sen. McDaniel
Ref: Jud. B; Jud. A

Prohibits state/local enforcement of federal semiauto or magazine bans, registration, or confiscation.

SB 2395
By: Sen. Sojourner
Ref: Jud. B

Interposes state law in place of any federal law confiscating firearms.

SB 2538
By: Sen. England
Ref: Jud. B

Provides that a person who uses or threatens to use justified force as legalized in state law is immune from criminal prosecution and civil action for the use or threatened use of such force by the person, personal representative, or heirs of the person against whom the force was used or threatened, unless the criminal against whom the justified force was used is/was a law enforcement officer.

SB 2547
By: Sen. Younger
Ref: Jud. B

Criminalize discharge of a firearm within limits of or into a municipality, with exceptions for self defense, authorized gun ranges, etc. Penalty could be a felony. Seems to ignore existing state law that covers this in conjunction with municipal ordinances.

SB 2553
By: Sen. Derrick T. Simmons
Ref: Jud. B

Makes criminals with misdemeanor convictions with enhanced sentences into prohibited persons for weapons possession. The enhanced sentences are basically the result of a “hate crimes” conviction against protected classes of victims.

SB 2558
By: Sen. Tate
Ref: Jud. B

Generally prohibits shooting guns at any public park.

SB 2676
By: Sen. Hill
Ref: Jud. A; Appropriations

Mississippi School Protection Act. Authorizes schools to assemble teams of armed employees for school protection. We note that individuals who have the existing enhanced CCW license are already legal to carry at schools in Mississippi, though they may be at risk of losing their jobs.

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1 thought on “Special Edition – 2022 Mississippi Gun Bills”

  1. Thank you Jeff, for this list. There are a number of bills here that need to be explained to our legislators. In general, more legal verbiage is bad. In general, the control of concealed carry is bad. Always, our constitutional open carry rights are a solid backup.


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