Patriots Day is April 19. Commemorate and celebrate.

More Bruen fallout. U.S. v. Paola Connelly. U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas, El Paso Division. Pretty good read.
“In sum, § 922(d)(3) does not withstand Second Amendment scrutiny for much the same reasons that § 922(g)(3) does not. The law’s broad prohibition on the sale or transfer of firearms to unlawful users of controlled substances burdens the Second Amendment rights of those individuals to nearly the same extent as § 922(g)(3). And, as the Court found when assessing § 922(g)(3), our Nation’s historical tradition of firearm regulation does not support placing such a burden on the Second Amendment right.”
This decision will likely be appealed to the Fifth Circuit, while the DOJ has already asked the Supreme Court to weigh in on the similar Rahimi decision, which could have major implications for the future of § 922(g)(3).

Second Amendment
To all the Fudds out there: the Second Amendment ain’t about hunting.

- Second Amendment Roundup: To Preserve Liberty, Not Slavery
Studies: More Guns, Less Crime. Still.
- There is no clear correlation whatsoever between gun ownership rate and gun homicide rate.
- Reason: Do More Guns Lead To More Deaths? Nope.
- Fact checking the White House is now a full time job.
- Purdue University study on school shootings: “…a single resource officer or even an armed teacher in a defensive position between attacker and students can reduce the number of victims by up to 70 percent.” “In all cases, some presence of weapons was an advantage.”
- Survey Says: Americans Most Likely to Respond to Gun Violence Fears With Training or Weapons Purchases.
Car control
Last week in California, a 13-year-old stole a car, got chased by police, and crashed, killing one person and injuring 10 more. Now we hear exactly zero calls for background checks, banning assault vehicles or for any sort of more car control.

- About those “experts.”
Surviving cancer doesn’t make you an oncologist. Your mom dying in car crash doesn’t make you an auto safety or driving guru. Survivors of shootings have no moral authority or special expertise. You know, kinda like celebrities. Further, being a cop doesn’t make one a gun expert any more than it makes him a car expert. Even though he may spend 8-12 hours operating a car every day, do you go to cops for car information?
- More Biden Bull.
- Meanwhile in Ireland, US secret service personnel are bringing 300 guns along for President Biden’s visit. Because he’s an Only One. You’re not.
- Dick’s
- Fox “News”
- Lawyer Of Pulse Victim Claims Semi-Auto Rifles More Dangerous Than Machine Guns, and Other Lies. This is why they don’t swear lawyers in to tell the truth in court.

The Only Ones
We reported last week on the first known shooting by an active Mississippi church security team member at a church, noting that the off-duty reserve deputy sheriff and church security team member was arrested for murder, and that perhaps we don’t know something significant in this case. Later reports indicated that security video from the church showed the Jones County deputy, George Ryan Walters, initiated the physical altercation, punched the victim in the face and chased him into a parking lot before shooting him and then literally kicking him while he was down. There was no evidence that the victim started a physical fight or first reached for the gun of the reserve deputy. Don’t look for the legal protections in Mississippi’s Church Security Act to help the deputy. This could be an incidence of bad cases make bad case law.
Frederick County, Maryland Sheriff Charles Austin Jenkins has been accused in a federal indictment of requesting machine guns for the sheriff’s office but sending the weapons instead to a gun dealer to loan out to customers for profit.
Farmington, New Mexico police fatally shot a man last week after responding to the wrong house during a domestic violence call.
Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputy Brandon Michael Garmon, 45, was charged with one felony count each of unlawful possession of an assault weapon (sic) and possession of a destructive device (tracer ammunition) at his home three years after a search warrant served at his property led to the discovery of the items.
An unidentified Idaho deputy sheriff mistook his service pistol for a new non-lethal training pistol and shot himself in the foot with a real bullet. No word on why he was trying to shoot himself in the foot with a training pistol.
Britain’s Top Police Force is full of criminals. Maybe that’s why they can’t carry guns…
The Louisville Bank where last week’s shooting occurred appears to be a gun free zone.
The Armed Citizen – here, here, and here.
What would you do if I broke into your house? Language warning.
Scientists challenge confirmed US Fish & Wildlife director’s qualifications, which do not meet federal law requirements for the position.
On The Shoulders Of Giants. Dabbs.
Zebco. Just interesting.
We have a report that the new 6.8×51 mm round (277 Fury) intended to replace the 5.56 NATO for our military is running into problems with the new rifles breaking due to a diet of hyper-pressure (80,000 psi) ammunition.
The .44 Spl. Bulldog. Not new, but worth consideration. I lean toward Lasergrips and Blazer Gold Dot ammo.
The Hi-Point Model 995 is the industry’s first rifle to chambered for the 30 Super Carry cartridge. We don’t know why. The all-new semi-auto carbine has a 10-shot capacity, skeletonized polymer stock and pistol grip with a ribbed polymer forend, front post sight and fully adjustable peep rear sight. Also included are a Picatinny rail on the receiver and an accessory rail below the handguard. Offered in black finish with a 1/2×28 threaded 16.5″ barrel. $359.
The new Ruger ReadyDot micro-reflex optic is designed specifically to co-witness with the Ruger MAX-9 pistol, but also fits any compact handgun with a standard Shield RMSc footprint. Using no batteries or electronics, the Ruger ReadyDot uses only ambient light transmitted through its fiber optics.
Ruger has also introduced a new Mark IV 22/45 Lite model that features a mounting position for a standard Shield RMS footprint reflex optic in place of the Picatinny rail, along with a raised front fiber optic sight and an adjustable rear sight that co-witness with most micro red dot optics.
Magnum Research, now part of the Kahr Firearms Group, has introduced its BFR reolver chambered in .360 Buckhammer. So, the BHR in a BFR.
Henry Repeating Arms has their new Henry Steel Lever Action .360 Buckhammer and Henry Lever Action X Model .360 Buckhammer. The X Model has black synthetic furniture with M-Lok and Picatinny accessory slots, while the Steel Lever Action version uses checkered American walnut. Other differences include a 5/8×24 threaded barrel and fiber optic sights on the X Model version. $1,057 for the Steel Lever Action .360 Buckhammer and $1,091 for the Lever Action X Model .360 Buckhammer.
Henry also has the new Big Boy Revolver, chambered in .357 Magnum/.38 Special, the traditional double-action revolver is available with a larger, flared Gunfighter style grip or a Birdshead style. 4″ barrel, polished brass trigger guard that wraps all way around the grip to the top of the backstrap, and fixed notch rear sight and interchangeable front blade sights with different heights. $928.
The new FN Reflex micro compact 9mm pistol line. 5-pound single-action-only trigger, optics-ready capabilities, 1″ thick, and up to 27-round capacity.
As previously reported, Winchester has introduced the 400 Legend cartridge with a straight-walled 1.65″ long case with a 215-grain 0.4005″ bullet at 2250 fps.
D&L Sports S&W Revolver Red Dot Mounts.
“When the martial-arts style you practice naively declares any move ‘illegal,’ from that point foreword you will be perpetually defenseless against that move!” – Phil Messina