Action item.
- Ballots for the 2024 NRA Board of Director election must be received on April 28th.

- ATF’s “Pistol Brace Rule” Enjoined From Going Into Effect Against NRA Members.
- Update on the Gabriel Metcalf of Billings Montana Gun Free School Zone (GFSZ) case. Plea deal taken; appeal coming.
- Update on challenge to CCW ban for 18-20-year-olds.
- Update on post-Bruen cases from the left-leaning Duke Center for Firearms Law.
- Mississippi parents criminally charged along with 13-year-old son who fatally shot playmate.
- NRA Board member Judge Phil Journey on the NRA debacle. Criminal charges expected. Amen to that, and I predict easy guilty verdicts in criminal prosecutions.
- More on NRA corruption:
Mississippi AG opinion on public cops for private schools (pdf link)
- RFK Jr. concerns:
- The Justice Department apprehended five individuals across Texas for their involvement in purchasing firearms illicitly and facilitating their transfer to drug cartels in Mexico. Apparently the ATF agents involved in similar schemes continue to be ignored.
- And now the feds have defunded Project Thor, a successful operation to interdict illegal firearm smuggling from the US to Mexico.
- The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives New Orleans Field will deploy a National Integrated Ballistic Information Network mobile unit to Jackson, MS, allegedly to assist law enforcement agencies in Jackson and throughout the Southern District of Mississippi with investigating crimes committed with firearms. However, we know that forensic matching of fired bullets or cases to a particular firearm has been debunked and is simply not reliable science. They are NOT like fingerprints.
The Only Ones
- San Bernardino SO deputies fatally shot kidnapping victim.
- Washington, DC, Metro Police selling guns to criminals.
- President Joe Biden brags about his unconstitutional gun control acts.
- Another Ceasefire anti-gun activist arrested for being a felon on drugs with a gun.
- Memphis Mayor Paul Young, in partnership with the racist anti-gun, anti-police African American Mayors Association (AAMA), announced the launch of the Black Mayors’ Coalition on Crime (BMCC), an “initiative to harness the collective power of black mayors across the nation to fight crime.” The inaugural meeting took place in Memphis on March 27-28 with 21 mayors and their proxies from Washington D.C., IN, TN, MO, MS, LA, AR, GA, AZ, CA, and NC, including Jackson, MS, Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba, who famously tried to override state law on gun carry by executive order and was slapped down by the state Supreme Court. The meeting attracted attention for being hidden from the media and the public. What are they really up to? Why don’t they want anyone to know about it?
- Another racist anti-gun former mayor, Ray “Chocolate City” Nagin of New Orleans, who was convicted on federal bribery, money laundering and other corruption charges in 2014, has completed his 10-year prison sentence and is asking a federal judge to restore his rights to carry a gun and vote. Nagin was responsible for ordering law enforcement to conduct widespread assault, abuse and forcible disarmament of law-abiding citizens in their homes in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, and now he wants HIS guns back.
- Brady Bunch President Kris Brown trotted out a new lie on CNN recently, claiming that “We lose eight kids a day… to family fire. That’s due to firearms in the home that are not safely stored.”
- New York City officials announced a pilot program last week to deploy portable gun scanners in the subway system, part of an effort to deter violence underground and to make the system “FEEL” safer. We note that transportation systems and public places are not exempt from the Bill of Rights.
- The gun ban group 97 Percent has been stealing and posting on its website images and personal information of pro-gun female shooters and/or leaders within the Second Amendment community, falsely posing them as supporting the group’s anti-gun stance.

- When the CDC examined more than 10,000 female homicides between 2003 and 2014 in which the circumstances of the murder were known, they found that the killer was a current or former intimate partner about half of the time.
- The Armed Citizen:
- A homeowner’s defense against a home invasion on March 15 resulted in the justifiable death of one burglar and a felony murder charge against his accomplice.
- The elderly female homeowner fatally shot the adult male suspect during the home invasion…
- Florida baby attacker shot through Bible.
- A Harrison, TN, homeowner was forced to defend his home against armed intruders for the second consecutive night, fatally shooting one of three armed invaders.
- A west Philadelphia woman shot 13 times in self defense against two alleged intruders, resulting in one dead and the other injured.
- The federal government has drafted a plan to kill half a million invasive barred owls along the west coast. But if you try that yourself, they will arrest you. You know, because the Constitution gives the federal government the power to regulate owl hunters in Article…. well, wait, they have no such authority.

The ACLDN and Rangemaster April (pdf link) newsletters are out.
Jesus and guns. FWIW.
Tactics & Stuff
- Ability, opportunity, jeopardy. A reminder.
- Bear defense and empty chambers
- Purse carry considerations. Important. The article includes additional relevant links at the bottom.
- Related: A 13-year-old girl was fatally shot by her mother inside her home last month. The mother explained that her semi-automatic pistol was stored unholstered in her purse alongside other items. According to her account, the gun discharged while she was attempting to retrieve her keys from the purse.
- Pocket carry. Ayoob.
- More reminders about not carrying properly.
- Pre-attack signals.
- Notes on Barrels. Wayne van Zwoll
- The SERPA holster. Just don’t.
- Lou Conter, the last survivor from the USS Arizona during the Pearl Harbor attack, has died at age 102. He not only lived long, but had a colorful career. Semper Fortis.
Industry News
- Representative Clay Higgins (R-LA), a member of the House Homeland Security Committee, has asked Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen to “thoroughly review national security concerns” in the proposed sale of US-based Vista Outdoor’s ammunition business to the foreign holding company Czechoslovak Group (CSG), saying that the sale of Vista Sporting Products to CSG would result in the firm controlling “nearly 70% of production capacity for primers in the Western world.” Vista Outdoor has also recently received an enhanced complete buyout bid from MNC Capital Partners, L.P.
- USMC updates marksmanship standards.
- Free printable targets from MidwayUSA.
- First Impressions of the New Lispseys Snubs. Ellifritz.
- “I was more impressed by the fact that the guns actually functioned.”
- Franklin Armory, home of the binary AR trigger, now has a “trinary” 3-shot trigger.
- Fiocchi announced a dedicated crow hunting shotshell to maximize crow mortality with a wad that delivers an “incredibly dense” pattern in a shorter shot string than traditional shotshells. Fiocchi’s new Caw Caw Cawtridge also has integrated an App-based crow call built into every Caw Caw ammo box. Hunters can bring the box with them into the field and select one of three popular calls: Feeding Crow, Fighting Crows, or Dying Crow. Offered in 12-, 20-, and 28-gauge, and in .410 bore. No price listed. This may be an April Fools scam.
- The Holosun DPS -TH and -NV digital pistol sights use an optic mounted topside of your gun that wirelessly communicates with a sensor unit installed on the forward dustcover underrail. The optics work like standard red dots in daytime, but at night the thermal or night vision sensor provides an overlay in the optic for enhanced visibility during low light hours.
Mississippi Legislation Update
2024 MS Gun Bills Still Alive
4/3/2024 – Summary of gun related bills still alive this legislative session. NOT guaranteed complete.
Next deadline: April 10 Deadline for ORIGINAL FLOOR ACTION on general bills and constitutional amendments originating in OTHER HOUSE.
HB 903
By: Reps. Felsher, Boyd (19th), Denton
Amended version PASSED Senate Jud. B. Goes to full Senate.
Creates a state felony criminal offense for manufacture, possession, or use of a machine gun conversion device.
HB 1379
By: Reps. Barton, Roberson
Amended version PASSED Senate Ed. & App.; Goes to full Senate.
Amended version does not include state-required standards and protocols for school “active shooter” drills but establishes a task force and mandates the “Mississippi Behavioral Threat Assessment Management System.” Drills are already required by state law.
HB 1441
By: Reps. Horan, McLean
Amended versions PASSED Senate Jud. B.; Goes to full Senate.
Amended version adds a mandatory 20-year additional prison term for any person who uses or displays any firearm during the commission of a felony that is defined as a crime of violence in Section 97-3-2.
HC 19
By: Rep. Eubanks
To: Rules
House Concurrent Resolution to declare the State of Mississippi as a “Second Amendment Sanctuary” state.
SB 2186
By: Sen. England
PASSED House Jud. B.; Goes to full House.
Provides that money received by any law enforcement agency can be used to purchase “equipment” instead of just “bulletproof vests” for that agency. The original law is flawed anyway: allowing an agency to directly profit from seized property is a bad idea. Funds should be sent to the state’s general fund or back to the taxpayers.
SB 2627
By: Sen. DeLano
Substitute bill To: House Jud. B.
DIED in Committee.
Creates a state felony criminal offense for manufacture, possession, or use of a machine gun conversion device. For purposes of this act, the term “machine gun conversion” means and includes devices that convert ordinary semiautomatic firearms into fully automatic machine guns, which may include, but shall not be limited to “Glock switches” or “auto-sears.” Same as HB 903.