
- The US Supreme Court has granted review in the case Garland v. VanDerStok, a lawsuit challenging President Joe Biden’s “frame or receiver” rule implemented by the BATFE. The rule administratively re-defines the definition of a “firearm” contrary to statutory law. The high court will decide the fate of the rule in its upcoming October 2024 term. Note that the original defendant US Attorney General Garland has become the plaintiff in the appeal directly to SCOTUS. Also, the legal principle in this case is not the RKBA but the scope of executive power in rulemaking.
- Nevada’s Supreme Court upheld a state ban on “ghost guns” last week, overturning a lower court’s ruling that sided with a gun manufacturer’s argument that the 2021 law regulating firearm components with no serial numbers was too broad and unconstitutionally vague. The gun law had previously been struck down by Lyon County District Judge John Schlegelmilch, who ruled in favor of a legal challenge by Nevada-based gun manufacturer Polymer80 Inc. that said the statute was too vague. However, we all know that the government has no constitutional authority to require serial numbers on firearms, regardless of where they are in the manufacturing process.
- The US District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania has ruled in favor of gun rights for adults aged 18-20.
- Interesting take on the Alec Baldwin manslaughter case.
- Interesting 2A case in Arkansas.
- New York Judge Abena Darkeh: “Do not bring the Second Amendment into this courtroom. It doesn’t exist here. So you can’t argue Second Amendment. This is New York.” Clearly if the Constitution doesn’t exist in her courtroom, then neither do laws prohibiting doing away with lying judges.
- Kentucky Circuit Judge Dan Ballou cited the Second Amendment when dismissing a gun charge against a former school superintendent.
- If you are thinking of traveling to countries where mere possession of ammo will get you prison time, you probably shouldn’t go. At all. The US Embassy in the Bahamas last September issued this warning to travelers: “Firearms, ammunition, and other weapons are not permitted in the Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI). TCI authorities strictly enforce all firearms related laws. The penalty for traveling to TCI with a firearm, ammunition, or other weapon is a minimum custodial sentence of twelve (12) years.” SAF advises that you DO NOT VISIT there.
Fingerprints are in the mail
- The USPS entered into an Interagency Agreement in October 2022 with the FBI Criminal Justice Information Services Division to offer electronic fingerprint services for individuals presenting challenges and appeals for FBI National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) denials, which involve the FBI’s the Identity History Summary Checks (IdHSC), Firearm Challenge and Voluntary Appeal File (VAF) processes. An individual submitting a firearm challenge or applying for the VAF will have the option to have their fingerprints captured at their local post office for a $50 fee (set by the USPS). (Question 17 on the 4473 allows entry of a Unique Personal Identification Number (UPIN) or Appeals Management Database Identification (AMD ID) (if applicable). A UPIN is issued to successful appellants of NICS denials to avoid false positives on future checks.) USPS is reportedly now offering the service at select post offices. Or they could all just follow the US Constitution, which confers no authority for a government approval process for exercising a civil right guaranteed therein.
Legislation & Regulation
- About that new “everybody’s a gun dealer” rule (pdf link). Buybacks.
- What if everyone submitted an FFL application to the ATF in order to “comply” with this rule? What would they do with 250 million applications?
- We also note that this anti-gun rule was posted in the Federal Register on Patriots Day. You know, the day we fought back when they came for our guns.
- GOP lawmakers worried about gunpowder supply.
- The Commerce Department plans to make its “pause” on the issuance of new export licenses for civilian products by the firearms industry a permanent one, with BIG costs to the industry.
Enemies & Liars
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Still.
- Joe Biden. Nothing about guns in these, but they’re too crazy to make up.
- No surprises here…
Your tax dollars at work
- The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is offering a reward of up to $20,000 for information about a juvenile bottlenose dolphin that was found shot multiple times on a Louisiana beach last month. My question is, what is the typical reward amount offered with your federal tax dollars for information about murders of humans?
The Only Ones
- The more that comes to light in the ATF’s ambush killing of Arkansas airport executive Bryan Malinowski, the more it smells like premeditated murder. We also hear that DOJ gave ATF discretion in whether to use bodycams when performing raids.
- Former Philadelphia police officer Edsaul Mendoza was found guilty Friday for the 2022 murder of a 12-year-old suspect who was unarmed and running away at the time.
- An unidentified Secret Service agent who was fast-tracked through the vetting process due to the color of his skin or his sexuality or some other DEI identity group had a mental breakdown and started punching the commanding officer before his fellow agents restrained him and wrestled away his gun.
YOYO follow-up
- 911 Is (sometimes) A Joke
- Related “coincidences?”
- The Houston Police Officers’ Union has issued a warning that the Texas city is “not safe” and “many suspected murderers and capital murderers” are walking the streets on bonds.
- The Armed Citizen:
Two hunters dead, likely from CWD/CJD
Industry News
- Copper shortage. Cartridge brass is typically an alloy of 70% copper and 30% zinc. Bullet jackets may consist of as much as 95% copper. Some bullets are merely copper-plated, and others are made entirely of copper alloy.
Tactics & Stuff

- TacCon25 is scheduled for March 28-30, 2025 at the Dallas Pistol Club in Carrollton, Texas. Tickets are only $620 for all three days of training, are non-refundable and non-transferable. IF tickets remain, you can get them here. If not, there should be a waiting list for cancellations.
- Stand Your Ground and Castle Doctrine Laws – I’m not a lawyer. But I think the author is painting a bit to broadly when it comes to details regarding states other than his own.
- Disparity of Force. Ayoob.
- About Criminals. – “Expressive crimes are resolved by overwhelming violence, not by sending subtle messages.”
- Body Language Reminder
- Another How-to for Pistol Shotshells.
- Cape Buffalo with an Airgun.
- Bias in Studies of the Efficacy of Firearms in Bear Attacks
- How Daniel Defense treats customers.
- Another New Mini Shell Option – Sterling Mini Slugs
- Custom mold your pistol grip like you mold your hearing aids. For 2311 style pistols only so far.
- BUGBite Holsters
“It’s not the man who designs or makes the guns that is the true genius. It’s the man who makes the machines which make the guns that is the true hero of this business.” – Bill Ruger
People who eat bacon are less likely to blow people up in the name of allah.
2024 MS Gun Bills Still Alive
4/25/2024 Update
HB 903
By: Reps. Felsher, Boyd (19th), Denton
Conference Report Adopted by both Houses.
Creates a state felony criminal offense for manufacture, possession, or use of a machine gun conversion device. There are technical differences between the various incarnations of this bill.