(“I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same;…”)
The Fourth US Circuit Court of Appeals is profoundly corrupt. I’ll bet you $5 that’s not the only such circuit.
After being sued by GOA and GOF earlier this year, the New York City Police Department adopted an emergency rule last weekend which will allow non-residents to apply for concealed carry permits valid in the Big Apple. But the process – identical to that for residents – is still onerous and unconstitutional, requiring submission of your social media posts and a sit-down in-person interview with NYPD.
Related: The number of New Yorkers petitioning to arm themselves with guns – both at home and on the streets – more than doubled last year.
A 2-1 panel of the Eighth US Circuit Court of Appeals found that a challenge to the ATF regulation restricting ownership of gun accessories known as pistol braces, which was already blocked by the Fifth Circuit*, is likely illegal, saying the challenge was likely to succeed because the ATF had not clearly explained what products would be covered by the rule, making it arbitrary and capricious. Never mind the Second Amendment violation…
*The government has now also appealed the June 13, 2024, pistol brace decision in the case Mock v. Garland, to the US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit.
Bump stock cases update.
The Second US Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that legal possession of a firearm or a facially valid gun permit does not constitute probable cause for a police search. This particular rogue cop, Nicholas Andrzejewski, an officer of the Waterbury, Connecticut Police Department, thinks that, by peacefully exercising our Second Amendment rights, we give up our Fourth Amendment right to be secure against unreasonable searches and seizures.
The Third, Eighth, and Eleventh US Circuit Courts of Appeal have each recently upheld felon-in-possession gun ban laws.
The Only Ones – Secret Service Edition

- Allegedly.
- But wait, there’s more.
Tactics & Stuff
- Be prepared.
- Another self-defense “insurance” plans comparison. Note that some of these are not literally insurance. Full disclosure: I joined ACLDN.
- Related. Clearly a Farnam case of doing stupid things with stupid people in stupid places. Don’t.
- The FlexCCarry Solution – new from Vicki Farnam & Co. Off-body carry.

- CCI Ammunition has added six new Hevi-Bismuth centerfire handgun shotshell loads to its pest control product line:
- 9mm, size 11 or 12 shot
- .38/.357, size 8 shot
- .45 Colt, size 8 shot
- .44Spl./Mag., size 8 shot
- .40 S&W, ?
- .45 ACP, ?
- Canada’s new Crusader Arms Crypto is a semi-auto rifle that’s not an AR, but fits an AR barrel, grip, forend, bolt carrier group and other parts. But it will not accept AR magazines; it can only fit Crusader Arms’ proprietary five-round mags. The Crypto mags can fit into an AR magwell, but not vice-versa, to comply with Canadian laws that say the only new semi-autos that can be legally sold are those designed to only accept five-round magazines. My question is, what happens when someone invents a “proprietary” substitute full-capacity magazine for it? Rednecks rule, you know.
- Century Arms’ new Centurion 14 is a rendition of the vintage Browning Hi-Power pistol. The 9mm has a capacity of 15+1, 7.75″ OAL, 4.66″ barrel, 1.37″ width and 5″ height. It features 3 dot Novak style sights, ring hammer, manual thumb safety, and a crisp single action trigger. Every Centurion 14 is shipped in a hard case, and includes one magazine, bore brush, cleaning rod, and bore mop. 25.6 oz. Just $410.
- XTech Tactical has 22-round Extended Magazines for the M&P 9 full size pistol along with a separate offering for the M&P 9 Compact and FPC carbine. $40 (w/o Compact/FPC adapter sleeve) and $43 including the magazine adapter sleeve.
- Bear Creek Arsenal’s side-charging 7.62×39 AR rifle shoots very well and starts at $470 (you may find it on sale at $370). But it comes with no magazines and no sights.

“If you have to ask government permission before exercising a right, it’s not a right at all.” – Tom Gresham