The Best.
Shout-out to Tom Gresham for giving us a plug on last week’s Gun Talk Radio program. Thanks, Tom. And welcome to the new list members. You can review back issues of the 2A News that you’ve missed at the website. Some issues are better than others. If you don’t like this one, wait a week and I’ll send another.
Kamala Harris’s pick for her vice presidential running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, an educator and former fair-weather National Guardsman, is also a gun banner. He was allegedly formerly pro-gun.
- In defiance of the Supreme Court, the US Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled en banc that laws banning firearms such as AR-15 are constitutional in a case challenging Maryland’s Firearms Safety Act of 2013, saying that “assault weapons” (sic) fall outside Second Amendment protections because “they are military-style weapons designed for sustained combat operations that are ill-suited and disproportionate to the need for self-defense.” The case is Bianchi v. Brown. Never mind that the Second Amendment was enacted precisely to protect the people’s right to keep and carry military arms useful for their citizens’ militia fighting against an oppressive government’s army, never mind the fact that it’s the Bill of Rights, not the Bill of Needs, and never mind the fact that such weapons are top choices for self-defense. The decision will be appealed. This is a final decision on the merits, so the case is ripe for SCOTUS; if they grant cert, we could get a decision by June 2025.
- Chief US District Judge George L. Russell III of the District of Maryland has upheld a challenge of Maryland’s state law restricting carry in certain locations, declaring three provisions in the statute to be unconstitutional and granting summary judgment enjoining the state from enforcing provisions in the law which restrict the carrying of firearms in: (1) locations selling alcohol for onsite-consumption, (2) private buildings or property without the owner’s consent, and (3) within 1,000 feet of a public demonstration. But the court upheld the ban in the other locations covered by the law. It is unclear to us why the Constitution is presumed to apply only in some locations. The plaintiffs expect to appeal to the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals to have those locations invalidated as well. The case is Novotny v. Moore, consolidated with a similar case known as Kipke v. Moore.
- Gun Owners of America is filing a lawsuit in the US District Court for the Southern District of Florida that seeks to have that state’s open carry ban – first enacted in 1893 – declared unconstitutional and a court order to block enforcement of the law. The ban makes it “unlawful for any person to openly carry on or about his or her person any firearm or electric weapon or device.”
- For the second time, US District Judge F. Dennis Saylor in Massachusetts has dismissed the vast majority of Mexico’s lawsuit against multiple US gun makers that accuses the companies of knowingly and willfully facilitating cartel violence south of the border.
- Courts Attacking Second Amendment Right to Legally Acquire Firearms
Related: Permits
- More than 41,300 gun owners applied for carry permits in New Jersey after the US Supreme Court recognized the Second Amendment’s protection of the right to bear arms in the June 2022 Bruen case. That’s 26 times as many as applied in New Jersey in the two years before the ruling.
- The number of concealed pistol licenses in Washington state has jumped above 701,000 just as the gubernatorial race pits Republican Congressman and former sheriff Dave Reichert against anti-gun Democrat Attorney General Bob Ferguson, and public safety could emerge as the top issue in that race.
NRA Trial
- The Brewer law firm owns the NRA.
- Is it better? New board member Jeff Knox thinks so.
- NRA says its National Firearms Museum is fine. They say a lot of things, including that the NRA is fine and we won the NY lawsuit. I cannot confirm or dispute the museum report.

- Dr. Dabbs explains why my AT&T internet goes off six or more times a day. By noon today (Thursday), it had already quit eleven times. I’m kinda proud of that.
- An investigation by the Second Amendment Foundation’s Investigative Journalism Project reveals how billionaire former Enron trader John Arnold and his wife Laura are quietly paying millions of dollars every year to colleges, universities, think tanks and other groups for biased anti-gun research, which is then cited as gospel by the corporate media and used as propaganda by antigunners.
- You may have seen advertising for Old Glory Bank, which claims to be freedom-loving and holding traditional conservative patriotic values. However a shallow dive into its business revealed that its credit cards are – so far – issued by Fifth Third Bank, a gun-grabbing corporation. We previously reported that Old Glory Bank will work with companies harmed by Operation Choke Point, and offers a peer-to-peer payment alternative to PayPal, Venmo, Zelle and others. So, a mixed review.
- About those corporate policies.
- An armed bystander shot it out with a man trying to rob and carjack a USPS postal carrier in Atlanta. No injuries reported.
- Don’t follow a criminal and initiate a second altercation.
- The Armed Citizen:
- 30 Round Repeating Rifle Used in Combat in 1659.
- 20 min. video. It is a breech-loading flintlock into which you place loose powder and balls and then simply operate a lever and pull the trigger, 30 times. I never before knew this existed. Interesting.
- So, uhm, what about last month’s ruling by New Jersey US District Court Judge Peter Sheridan that the Garden State’s ban on possession of “Large Capacity Magazines” capable of holding more than 10 rounds of ammunition is constitutional? Does the court intend to ban 365-year-old small arms technology?
Tactics & Stuff
- What we’re up against.
- Active Killer Defense Advice Compendium, by Greg Ellifritz.
- Spend some time here. Be sure to see these:
“In every single active shooter attack where a good, armed person was present when the attack began and acted aggressively to stop the killer, the body count was less than 10, single-digits. Every time. 100%.” (Nothing else comes close. – JP)
- The US Fish and Wildlife Service plans to open or expand access at 12 national wildlife refuges with 53 new opportunities for hunting and fishing on about 211,000 acres.
The NSSF informs us that July marked 60 consecutive months – or five years – of more than 1 million monthly NSSF-Adjusted FBI National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) verifications for the sale of a firearm at retail.
- Interesting .22 WMR ammo ranking.
- Venom ammo advisory.
- New Low Light Optics For 2024
- Auto-Ordnance Black Sheep Squadron 1911. It’s not on their website yet.