Election. Tuesday. Be there.
- About the Election – Ayoob
A recently unearthed audio tape revealed that in a 2006 speech, Vice President Kamala Harris said the pistol possession ban she backed as San Francisco District Attorney was likely unconstitutional. During a 2006 talk with the Commonwealth Club of California, Harris said the previous year’s ballot measure banning handguns was unlikely to survive a court battle.
Ms. Harris also says Mr. Trump is a threat to our Second Amendment rights. Well, she’s the expert on that topic.
During an October 22, 2024, appearance on The Daily Show, Democrat Vice Presidential candidate Tim Walz called for red flag laws, universal background checks, and a ban common semiauto rifles.
They’re not dumb, just evil.
- Second Circuit ignores SCOTUS. The 2nd US Circuit Court of Appeals in Manhattan ruled again last week in Antonyuk et al. v. James that the New York law banning people from carrying weapons in made-up “sensitive” locations such as schools, parks, theaters and bars is constitutional under the Second Amendment. The court also declared constitutional the state’s restrictive “good moral character” requirement for getting a concealed carry permit.
- DC Circuit ignores SCOTUS. The US Court of Appeals for The District of Columbia Circuit has erroneously ruled in the case Hanson v. District of Columbia that DC’s ban on magazines larger than ten rounds is Constitutional. It ain’t.
- Boston Municipal Judge Says Massachusetts’ “Suitability” Rule for Gun Owners Violates Second Amendment.
- Grassroots reports:
- Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) announced that it has filed a new federal Second Amendment lawsuit challenging state laws prohibiting individuals from carrying firearms at certain locations in the State of Texas, including any business where alcohol comprises a majority of sales even if the armed individual is not consuming alcohol, as well as racetracks and sporting events.
About those laws.
- “Red Flag” laws.
- Gun control laws. The US Virgin Islands has extremely strict gun laws. US Virgin Island Homicide rates are among the highest in the world.
The NRA Cabal
- NRA In Danger posted “The Cabal Chronicles” last week. It presents a “fictional” newsletter from a cabal dedicated to the destruction of the NRA. It details the efforts made over the years to infiltrate the Board of Directors, siphon money and members from the NRA, and to set it up so that it self-destructs. But this “fictional” newsletter is as close a description of what has actually happened to the NRA over the last 20 years as could be imagined.
Department of Dumb
The November ACLDN and Rangemaster newsletters are out. Read ’em.

The National African American Gun Association (NAAGA) will be launching a Free Membership Program for students ages 18 to 24 who are currently attending a Trade School, a College or University, or a postgraduate school.
This initiative is structured to attract younger members to the organization for years to come. The “SEED” firearms program stands for Students, Exposed, Educated, and Developed within the 2A Community.
The program will provide a positive learning opportunity where Firearms can be discussed and learned from a healthy, balanced, and contextualized perspective. A variety of events are scheduled, including – but not limited to – virtual Town Halls, Educational Seminars on Gun Laws, Special Guests, digital delivery of Gun News, and the opportunity to join NAAGA’s Online Community to connect.

The Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) is marking its 50th anniversary, celebrating five decades of civil rights advocacy for America’s gun owners. I am a dues-paying member.
- Anti-gun “comedian” Amy Schumer says she will move to London if Trump is re-elected President. Can I buy your one-way ticket?
- The NFL, which is making headlines for cracking down on finger gun gestures, just hired singer Machine Gun Kelly to do the halftime show for the league’s international game.
The Only Ones
- An unidentified off-duty Detroit police officer who was “asking for suicide by cop” was shot dead after he opened fire and injured two fellow officers, authorities said.
- An unidentified Blue Island, IL, police officer was released without charges last week after he allegedly fired at least one shot while off duty at an also-off-duty unidentified Chicago police officer during a road rage incident. CPD is investigating. Apparently CBS news knows the identities but isn’t reporting.
- “There’s no legitimate use for a gun like this.” – Chicago Police Superintendent Philip Cline, brandishing a 9mm semiautomatic handgun at a news conference. (Chicago Tribune, “Special unit hauling in guns, drugs” by Glenn Jeffers, January 29, 2004)
- The Armed Citizen:
- American Rifleman – October 28, 2024
- American Rifleman – October 25, 2024 – “The father sprang into action and pummeled the intruder ‘until he was unresponsive.'”
- A terrorist who carried out an attack in Israel on Sunday morning was shot and killed by armed bystanders.
- Knife-Wielding Burglar Kills Mother and Son Before He’s Stopped by Armed Resident.
- Media Portrays Dead Teen as Shooting Victim, Only to Learn He was the Aggressor.
Tactics & Stuff
- Training Students with Physical Disabilities. Ellifritz.
- Holsters for Healing. Ayoob.
- The Anatomy of an Effective Tuckable Holster.
- Pistol Mounted Optics – Revisited. (This does not mean overtighten your screws. Use a torque driver.)
- There Are No .32, .38 or .44 Calibers.
- Flat-tipped bullets are more consistent.
- Wheelgun Wednesday: 18th-Century Flintlock Revolving Shotgun.
- The US “Gun Culture” That Saved Europe Does Not Occur In A Vacuum.
- Cop training. “I have yet to come across a single ruling that addressed the need to qualify. Every ruling has addressed the need for agencies to train their officers.” (Although we might all agree that a comprehensive test or qualification should indicate whether a person has actually been trained. – JP)
- More.
“Responding with lethal force should never JUST be ‘justifiable.’ It should be justifiable AND UNAVOIDABLE.” – Timothy A. Forshey, esq.
- Have a snake gun?

- You may have seen the report of a 14.8-foot, 115-pound Burmese Python caught in the act of consuming a 77-pound, white-tailed deer in Florida.
- The Red-Cockaded Woodpecker has been reclassified from Endangered to Threatened.
- Happy Anniversary to the .41 Magnum. I am a fan and all of mine are Smiths. On one occasion I repeatedly hit a man-sized target at 350 yards range with an iron-sighted 6.5″ Model 657CH. My favorite “impressive” load is the long-discontinued Remington 170 gr. SJHP at an honest 1600 fps out of that 6.5″ barrel. If you shoot an armadillo with it, you don’t want to be standing close.
- If you REALLY want to build your own gun, why monkey around simply assembling a box of AR parts like every other oil-changer? Build THIS.
- Heritage Manufacturing now offers its Badlander Field hammerless, twin-trigger SxS shotguns with 28″ barrels. They already offered 18.5″ versions. 12, 20, 28 gauge & .410 bore. Nice, but quite heavy. $950.
- Midwest Industries has a new line of aluminum shotgun stocks and other cool stuff.
- BadAce Tactical has optics mounts for old collectible military rifles.
- The BinoCap Pro.
- The Remington Model 10: Big Green’s First Pump Action Shotgun. Cool. I don’t have one of these, but one of my all-time favorites is Remington’s next pump gun, the Model 17.
- Can anyone explain why some Kydex holsters cost well over $100? Really? It’s molded plastic, for cheating out loud.
What I’m reading. (It’s on sale now.)

“Fortuitous outcomes reinforce bad decisions and poor tactics.” – Chuck Haggard“Just because something worked once doesn’t mean it should be policy.” – Rich Grassi“Just because something’s possible, doesn’t mean it’s a good idea.” – James Lindell“Just because someone is a ‘good guy’ doesn’t mean he knows what he’s talking about.” – me“My life is more valuable than your property rights. So, just because I stepped onto your property gives you no authority to tell me I have no right to self defense. My right to be alive outranks your property rights.” – Tom Givens
Don’t forget to set your clocks back.
Don’t forget to vote.