After the left-wing activists including the New York Times and a large cadre of Democrat politicians publicly abandoned their push for an “assault weapons” ban because assault weapons don’t really exist, the black guns singled out that way are not a factor in crime or mortality statistics, and the bans have had no effect on crime, Alan Korwin notes this is just the latest in a LONG string of leftist lies:
- The Saturday-Night-Special Myth, because this was going to eliminate the crime problem, as soon as we outlawed those horrifying guns. Except, not. They never fessed up to that nonsense, they just dropped it.
- Democrats, liberals and their media allies started and abandoned The Junk-Guns Myth, because that was going to solve what they call the gun problem, except, not. They dropped that, and never fessed up.
- Democrats, liberals and their media allies started The Waiting-Period Myth. That came with The Cooling-Off-Period Myth, remember that one? Arm maniacs after five days and then just hope they remain calm for the rest of their lives. Not.
- Democrats, liberals and their media allies started The One-Gun-A-Month Myth but everyone saw that had nothing to do with crime, it only affected shopping.
- Democrats, liberals and their media allies started The Semiautomatic-Bullet-Spraying Myth, except semiautomatics are what the police consider best for safety.
- Democrats, liberals and their media allies started The Hollowpoint-Ammunition Myth, except it’s safer too. Police want it badly enough they got federal law passed to guarantee they can carry it anywhere.
- Democrats, liberals and their media allies started The Undetectable-Gun Myth, except there aren’t any.
- Democrats, liberals and their media allies started The Gun-Registration Myth, except a list of innocent gun owners has no crime-fighting component, is very expensive, error laden, misallocates resources, and you can’t list the crooks because that would violate the Fifth Amendment. (This myth is still floating, and is among the most dangerous of all the plans).
- Democrats, liberals and their media allies started The Universal-Background-Check Myth (as a code word for the registration myth, but everyone’s figured that out). Under this plan, any innocent person who has a gun is guilty if they lack the paperwork. Criminals of course are already guilty if they have guns, that’s unaffected — but that’s how myths work, they make no sense if you look too hard.
- Democrats, liberals and their media allies started The 92%-In-Favor-Of-Universal-Federal-Government-Checks Myth, except that’s not a myth, just a lie.
- Democrats, liberals and their media “news” allies promoted The Bloody CCW Myth — 50 times in a row — as each state in America drafted, debated and enacted laws for discreetly carrying firearms. They screamed that if people bear arms in public it would lead to wild-eyed bloodshed in the streets. It was simple paranoid projection from gunless activists and cooperating reporters, just another assault-weapon myth, except, with no fess up at the end. And it’s being repeated as states progress to legal open carry. Same song, second verse.