I don’t make it up – I just report it and comment on it.

Dr. Warren J. Blumenfeld, who is a staff member of the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, says that hunting animals for sport has many similarities to lynching African Americans. (source)

“One terrorist group is responsible for more civilian deaths since December 2012 (the Sandy Hook massacre) than Al Qaeda, Boko Haram, Hamas and the Taliban. Yet it is the only nearly-state sponsored terrorist group that is not listed by the U.S. State Department as such. It is the National Rifle Association…” — Linda Stasi, New York Daily News [source] (FYI, the Stasi were the East German secret police equivalent of the Gestapo.)

“You know, the NRA’s position reminds me of negotiating with the Iranians or the Communists.” — Hillary Clinton

“The idea that you need more guns to stop people who are committing mass shootings is not only illogical but offensive.” — Hillary Clinton, at a campaign event this week, while she was protected by an armed security detail.

(News flash: No one has the right to not be offended. But we do have the right to carry guns to defend ourselves.)

The Washington Times reports that US Senate Democrats gathered Thursday on the steps of the US Capitol surrounded by about a dozen armed guards to announce a new push for tougher gun-control laws in three areas — background checks, gun shows and online sales, and new laws on gun trafficking. So they want their guns handy but don’t want you to have yours.

Interestingly, they say they want new legislation, but say they will not introduce it until there is a groundswell of support from the people. In other words, they don’t want it badly enough to risk their jobs. It is also interesting to note that none of these proposals — not one — would have stopped the attacks at the Oregon school, the Virginia on-air TV report, the theaters in Aurora, CO and Lafayette, LA, the military installations in Chattanooga and Ft. Hood (twice at Ft. Hood), the attack on Gabby Giffords in Tucson, or dozens of others. All of those perpetrators passed background checks and acquired their guns legally. So naturally the Senate Democrats want more background checks at more places.

“The White House” (a euphemism for President Barack Hussein Obama) is proposing to expand Medicaid through Obamacare to “prevent gun violence.”

Country music singer/songwriter Roseanne Cash (daughter of Johnny Cash and his first wife, Vivian Liberto Cash Distin) is supporting a move for gun control, particularly involving a petition created by Chelsea Crowell (daughter of Roseanne and her first husband Rodney Crowell), to reinstate the federal “assault weapons” ban.

A T.G.I. Friday’s restaurant in Franklin, TN kicked out three uniformed TN DOC parole officers because they were armed. The manager allegedly told the officers they were “not allowed to have guns in the restaurant.” The chain has since clarified that the manager misunderstood the chain’s policy, which bans customers from carrying guns, but law enforcement officers are able to eat while armed. Either way, they’re still the enemy.


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