February 6, 2018 Update
Apologies to list members not in Mississippi.
2018 Mississippi legislation still alive
The following MS gun bills remain alive. Next deadline is Thurs., Feb. 8 for floor action in original house.
You can read the bills and track their status here, under “Legislation Search” on the left, or click “Legislation” at the top.
HB 413
Stun gun; remove the term from the firearms category.
Passed Judiciary B
B 1083
Firearms, authorize those with enhanced carry to bring onto public property.
Judiciary B Committee substitute bill passed. Also includes similar language from HB 542.
Provides that:
“Any rule, regulation, or other policy that has the effect of limiting the locations on public property, or a portion of public property where a person may carry a concealed pistol pursuant to the Mississippi enhanced carry law beyond the locations described in this subsection shall have no force or effect.”