Attorney Alan Gura has filed a request that the District of Columbia be held in contempt of court in the 2009 Palmer v. District case for enacting new gun laws that are so restrictive as to be out of compliance with US District Judge Frederick Scullin’s order to allow for concealed carry in the city. Gura argued that “despite passing new laws that allow for concealed carry, the District has not lived up to its court-ordered obligation because the plaintiffs he is representing are still unable to obtain gun-carry permits under the city’s strict regulations,” which was, of course, exactly the city’s intent. Scullin gave the District until December 4 to show why they should not be held in contempt. Gura then has until December 11 to counter their filing.
In response to the July, 2014 ruling that the District enact laws enabling residents to bear arms outside the home, in September the city council enacted a “may issue” law that requires applicants to undergo 18 hours of training AND demonstrate a “special need” (prove a specific threat) for armed self defense. No permits have been issued since the application process began Oct. 22. Gun owners who have their permit applications denied are able to appeal to a review board to be sworn in today, which is stacked with government legal system representatives.