Jeff Pittman

67% federal duck stamp price increase

The US Senate has passed S.2621/H.R.5069, the Federal Duck Stamp Act, which was passed by the House last month, and increases the price of federal duck stamps from $15 to $25 (a whopping 67% increase). The last price increase was in 1991. Meanwhile, there has been no commensurate long-term increase in the opportunity to hunt ducks or in the number […]

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Black Friday 2014 second busiest day in NICS history

The National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) background check numbers for last weekend confirmed that last (Black) Friday was the second busiest day in NICS history, with 175,754 transactions processed, second only to December 21, 2012. And the National Shooting Sports Foundation reports that 74.66% of those checks used the new E-Check system, indicating support for the E-Check’s more

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Smith and Wesson buys Battenfield

Smith and Wesson Holdings Corporation (SWHC), the parent company of Smith & Wesson, has reportedly made a deal to purchase Battenfield Technologies for approximately $130 million. Battenfield Technologies is a Columbia, Missouri-based maker of firearms accessories whose brands include Caldwell, Wheeler Engineering, Tipton Cleaning Supplies, Frankford Arsenal, Bog-Pod, Lockdown, Golden Rod Moisture Control, and Non-Typical Wildlife Solutions. Battenfield was owned

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Farnam on gun NDs (negligent discharges) in the military

From Farnam: “Since 2007, there have been 126 ‘reported’ NDs in Operation Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan). Three deaths, and eleven other (non-fatal) injuries. However, those are just the ones that were ‘reported.’ You can probably multiply that by at least ten to get the actual number of NDs! Our predictable response has been to endlessly reiterate to beleaguered soldiers how to

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Alan Korwin’s long list of gun control myths

After the left-wing activists including the New York Times and a large cadre of Democrat politicians publicly abandoned their push for an “assault weapons” ban because assault weapons don’t really exist, the black guns singled out that way are not a factor in crime or mortality statistics, and the bans have had no effect on crime, Alan Korwin notes this

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How gun control works in the UK

According to, one in five crimes in the UK is not recorded by police. Nearly a million offenses a year are ignored by politically-correct officers. And so it goes in gun control utopia. First, you disarm civilians in the name of public safety. Then you claim (lie) that it worked, even though it didn’t. Because the general public must

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