Dept. of Idiocy

Sen. Cochran responds to my Lynch email

In response to my email complaining to US Sen. Thad Cochran (R-MS) about his support of anti-gunner Loretta Lynch as US Attorney General, Cochran said in an email: “I supported Ms. Lynch’s confirmation…. I take the advice and consent responsibilities granted to Senators by the Constitution seriously, and have examined the qualifications of Loretta Lynch to serve as Attorney General. […]

Sen. Cochran responds to my Lynch email Read More »

nail gun

If they ban guns….

The body of a man reported missing back in 2008 was found in an Australian river two weeks later, wrapped in a rug and shot repeatedly with nails. Detectives said the nail gun used in the murder was a standard cordless, framing, gas-charged gun, widely available for sale and hire. A few years earlier, an Oregon man who went to

If they ban guns…. Read More »

Californistan discriminates against judges and civic groups

The California Supreme Court has banned state court judges from belonging to groups that discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation. It’s the Boy Scouts that they can’t belong to this week, in spite of the group’s caving in to the leftists, but I see no reason the ban wouldn’t prohibit judges from belonging to a Christian church either, although

Californistan discriminates against judges and civic groups Read More »

Idiocy in Baltimore and Idaho Falls

We have a report that Baltimore, MD, City Schools are assigned the Baltimore City School Police for security. This agency consists of 141 sworn and armed officers. It is the only police agency in the state of Maryland dedicated to protecting a school district. They are also the only cops NOT allowed to be armed inside the schools while students

Idiocy in Baltimore and Idaho Falls Read More »

look son, a dumbass

3 stories: idiots, dummy, exploding target fatality

Idiots We have a report that a bill reaffirming teachers’ rights to self-defense moving through the Texas legislature is causing panic among “the left-wing ninnies,” who are terrified that a teacher might use deadly force to stop a homicidal student. Well, what do you think the cops will use when they arrive 22 dead bodies later? What will you think

3 stories: idiots, dummy, exploding target fatality Read More »

Criminal’s relatives bemoan he wasn’t given sufficient warning before being shot

An elderly Dallas resident killed an intruder breaking into his home, and now the 33-year-old deceased crook’s relatives are upset that the criminal “wasn’t given sufficient warning before being shot.” Did they think he should have been offered bus fare back home? OK, HERE’S YOUR WARNING, YOU DUMB FELONIOUS TWITS: IF YOU INVADE SOMEONE ELSE’S HOUSE, YOU MAY GET DEAD!!!

Criminal’s relatives bemoan he wasn’t given sufficient warning before being shot Read More »

Dissenters are insane, and other psychobabble

The latest issue (5th Edition) of the American Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) defined a new mental illness, the so-called “oppositional defiant disorder” or ODD. Apparently the definition of this new mental illness essentially amounts to declaring any non-conformity and questioning of authority as a form of insanity. According to the manual, ODD is defined as: […]

Dissenters are insane, and other psychobabble Read More »

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