Dept. of Idiocy

Idiots in the news

A man was arrested and charged with battery after he tackled a 62-year-old customer in a Brandon, FL, Walmart this week, because the victim was (legally) carrying a gun. The assailant was assisted by at least 4 other people, who disarmed the victim. Supposedly the attacker thought the victim was some sort of armed criminal, but we have no information […]

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Eugene Robinson on the differences between France and US in fighting terrorists

Anti-gun nut and Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson weighed in with his thoughts on the differences between France and the US in fighting terrorists, saying that more armed potential victims would make terrorist massacres worse: “In fact, one thing that’s different here is weapons are universally available and so, I mean, it is actually a very good thing that the

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Holder wants bracelets

Soon-to-be-ex-US Attorney General Eric Holder, already found to be in civil and criminal contempt, has now suggested requiring everyone obtain a bracelet if they participate in any activity he deems unsafe (such as exercising Second Amendment rights). Holder wants to require a bracelet that connects to a gun so that the bracelet communicates with the gun. Maybe he should have

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FL teacher reassigned after taking toy rifle to school

A longtime Osceola County, FL, eighth-grade teacher has been reassigned after taking a toy rifle to Neptune Middle School in Kissimmee. The toy musket was used during the history teacher’s lesson on the American Revolutionary War. The Osceola County School District said several students complained that they were frightened by the replica. Boy I can’t wait until they get to

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Lamestream media & toy guns

We saw a report this week on an Illinois news web site that stated that police (in another state) had “found a pair of toy guns that were altered to fire real bullets.” One was reported to be a Super Soaker squirt gun that “on the inside it is set up to fire shot gun shells.” The other was reported

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