Enemies & Oppressors

Obama IRS scandal also Obama DOJ and FBI scandal

Judicial Watch has obtained documents which show that the US Department of Justice is colluding with the Internal Revenue Service to manufacture criminal prosecutions of targeted non-profit conservative groups, the “enemies” of the Administration. The records include an official “DOJ Recap” report detailing an October 2010 meeting between Lois Lerner, DOJ officials and the FBI. The documents also reveal that

Obama IRS scandal also Obama DOJ and FBI scandal Read More »

We are from the government, and we are out to get you

The criminal alien who murdered a woman at random in San Francisco and then claimed that the handgun “just went off” three times on its own, reportedly used a weapon that was stolen from a federal Bureau of Land Management agent’s personal vehicle in downtown San Francisco four days earlier. Reports conflict on whether it was a personal or agency

We are from the government, and we are out to get you Read More »

Colorado theater shooter was nuts

Remember my policy of not identifying criminals who seem to be seeking publicity? Now a nationally known schizophrenia expert says the Colorado theater massacrist “still” believes killing people will increase his self-worth. The doctor is expected to say she found the killer was legally insane during the July 20, 2012, attack in which he killed 12 people and wounded 70

Colorado theater shooter was nuts Read More »

Hilary - the irony

Father Pfleger sues. Democrat intern killed in DC. Hillary.

Anti-gun Chicago Roman Catholic Priest Father Michael Pfleger and other gun-banners have filed a lawsuit against the three nearby villages of Riverdale, Lyons and Lincolnwood. In essence, that lawsuit says that black people cannot stop themselves from murdering and stealing, so other people outside Chicago have to keep strict controls on the sale of guns. The suit claims that “the

Father Pfleger sues. Democrat intern killed in DC. Hillary. Read More »

Uber. HBO. Islamic State. Mario Biaggi. More.

Car service app Uber changed its policy two weeks ago to prohibit its drivers from carrying firearms while they’re on duty. Until now, Uber had deferred to local laws. Uber’s new policy says: Uber spokesman Matt McKenna added, “We have adopted a no-firearms policy to ensure that both riders and drivers feel safe and comfortable on the platform. We made

Uber. HBO. Islamic State. Mario Biaggi. More. Read More »

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