Enemies & Oppressors

Federal government threat to your medical privacy

Last week (here and here), the Department of Health and Human Services announced a plan to share your medical records with over 35 federal agencies – all in the name of “health care,” which doesn’t even appear in the Constitution. They say it will be “efficient,” an excuse used by fascists wherever they appear. Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia […]

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School shootings report follow up

Remember last time I mentioned that the Demanding Mommies/Everytown’s data claiming 95 school shootings since Newtown was suspect? Well, here’s more on that. And here’s how those stories get started (links to BearingArms.com’s article entitled “AT,” “NEAR,” WHATEVER: CNN, other media manufacturers school shooting in Portland, Oregon”).

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The Mommies want to ban guns

Ammoland noted this week that according to Mommies/Everytown’s most recent claims, there were 45 fatalities from 95 “school shootings” between the December 2012 Sandy Hook attack and December 9, 2014, by their definitions. (Their numbers, as you might expect, are suspect. See this.) That equates to 22.5 annual “school shooting” deaths for those years. Meanwhile, the Centers for Disease Control

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Secret membership of the American State Legislators for Gun Violence Prevention

A new political group, American State Legislators for Gun Violence Prevention, has been formed by various state lawmakers to fight against your rights. Supposedly their present membership is around 200, all state legislators plus representatives from Puerto Rico and Washington, D.C. Our first reaction was to figure out just who these legislators are and work to defeat them in the

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Hillary illegally stonewalling documents release

You’re familiar with the Department of Justice’s stonewalling Congress over release of subpoenaed documents related to ATF’s criminal Fast & Furious gunrunning operation, to the extent that US Attorney General Eric Holder was found in civil and criminal contempt. Now the US Department of State has failed to turn over government documents covering Hillary Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State

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Humane Society of the United States is NOT your local animal shelter

In fact the 2013 numbers are in, and in addition to leading the effort to ban traditional ammunition so that it can ultimately outlaw hunting, HSUS only contributed 1% of its $120 million budget toward supporting pet shelters last year. Details: http://www.nssfblog.com/the-humane-society-of-the-united-states-is-not-your-local-animal-shelter/

Humane Society of the United States is NOT your local animal shelter Read More »

Demanding Mommies

We have a story reported from a North Carolina Walmart which involved the theft of an AR-15 and 150 rounds of ammunition from a locked case on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. The thief purportedly shoved the rifle down his pants and just walked out. The crook was arrested on Thursday as he went back to the same Walmart. According to

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