Incidents / DGUs in the News

Black rights

Reuters reports this week that African American support for gun control has fallen by 14% since 1993, when it stood at 74% according to the Pew data. During that same period, the number of blacks prioritizing gun rights over stricter gun controls nearly doubled, up to 34% in December from 18%. Attitudes toward guns are still deeply divided along racial

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New CCW studies

A new study from John Lott, the nation’s premier expert on the issue, suggests that the states with the most relaxed concealed carry laws have lower rates of murder and violent crime than states that make carrying a handgun tougher, with murder rates in states that do not require a permit to carry a handgun 33% percent lower than in

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Uber update. Domino’s update.

Uber update A 74-year-old Uber driver in Clear Water, FL, stopped to pick a 60-year-old rider this week, after which an argument began and police said the rider allegedly choked the driver, who pulled a gun from his waistband. During the struggle, the rider was shot in the foot. Apparently neither man was seriously injured. The driver has a concealed

Uber update. Domino’s update. Read More »

VPC on FBI records of armed self defense

My response to the widely repeated “news” reports this week which parrot the Violence Policy Center’s claims that FBI reports indicate that guns are “rarely used for self defense” is posted below after the link. Feel free to copy and post as your own response if you agree. Also here is a link to an article on John Lott’s response. In

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open carry

DGU mistakes: Teen shot by brother, murder charges after killing fleeing burglar

Teen mistaken for home invader, shot by brother: Make sure everyone in your house knows not to sneak in, including your kids’ friends. Make sure you identify your threat anyway. Lights are good.   KY man faces capital murder charge after killing fleeing burglar. Note that in Jackson, MS, no charges were filed against the shooter in a very similar

DGU mistakes: Teen shot by brother, murder charges after killing fleeing burglar Read More »

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