Industry News

NICS checks July record

The National Shooting Sports Foundation adjusted NICS checks for July 2015 were the highest numbers for a July on record. According to the NSSF, there were 946,528 checks as adjusted in July 2015. This was a 15.9% increase over July 2014 and a 10.67% increase over July 2013 — the previous highest for July, with 855,259 checks as adjusted.

NICS checks July record Read More »

Law of Self Defense, Andrew Branca

Purse carry. Law of self-defense. Half-truth? Fatal fists. TX massacre.

Purse carry – safe enough? Maxpedition Look Bags The Law of Self Defense Seminars and Andrew Branca’s book, The Law Of Self Defense — see WeaponsMan’s review Half-truth? You’ve heard the other side’s disproved claims that your gun is somehow more likely to be used against a family member than an attacker. Well, maybe the answer is both: Homeowner shoots nephew

Purse carry. Law of self-defense. Half-truth? Fatal fists. TX massacre. Read More »

FBI Recants FBI Alert. Aurora theater case update. F&F plea deal. ATF not an agency?

FBI Recants FBI Alert After issuing two alerts (one reportedly below) about Middle Eastern men approaching military families in Colorado and Wyoming and making suspicious statements, the FBI has decided their warnings contained no credible threats to military personnel or their families. Don’t relax just yet. Aurora theater case update We reported last week that the survivors and victims

FBI Recants FBI Alert. Aurora theater case update. F&F plea deal. ATF not an agency? Read More »

JPFO calls out NSSF. LA magazine ban. Lamestream media.

JPFO calls out NSSF on expanded background check plan (NRA also supports the expansion) About that L.A. magazine ban Lamestream media The same day a man shot and killed two strangers in a Louisiana movie theater last month, two teens in Oklahoma were arrested for stabbing five family members to death. The Louisiana story got much more attention. Because, guns.

JPFO calls out NSSF. LA magazine ban. Lamestream media. Read More »

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