Just for Fun

Merry Christmas, Ya’ll!

“He’s making a list, checking it twice… Gonna find out who’s men and who’s mice…” Merry Christmas, Ya’ll! YOUR CHRISTMAS CARD ‘Twas two weeks before Christmas When all through our land, Not a Christian was praying Nor taking a stand. Why the PC Police had taken away The reason for Christmas – no one could say. The children were told

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Veganism & vegetarianism “usually just passing fads”

According to a study completed by psychologist Hal Herzog and quoted in Diabetes Insider, veganism and vegetarianism are “usually just passing fads.” The study says the proportion of “true vegetarians and vegans in the US is surprisingly (not to me) small.” Only 2% of respondents did not consume any meat, with 1.5% calling themselves “vegetarians” and the remainder “vegans.” Herzog

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