
Liars – Obama and Obama campaigner

“Our homicide rates are so much larger than other industrialized countries, by like a mile,” said President Obama during a speech at Benedict College in South Carolina last week. “Most of that is attributable to the easy, ready availability of firearms, particularly handguns.” But in fact, the United States of America, with more guns per person than any nation on

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NBC Nightly News’ “Lyin’ Brian” Williams

Lamestream media talking head “Lyin’ Brian” Williams has been suspended from “NBC Nightly News” without pay for six months, due to an ongoing internal investigation into whether(?) Williams repeatedly “exaggerated” stories during his public appearances as managing editor of the “news” program as well as elsewhere. Williams has now admitted to his “mistake in recalling the events” and apologized, but

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3 more anti-gun liars

We have a report that Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety lobbying group will apparently face “swift and immediate legal action” from a Vermont gun dealer who says he was the victim of a fraudulent report about on-line gun sales in his state. The dealer, Crossfire Arms, LLC, in Mt. Holly, VT, says that an Everytown for Gun Safety report titled

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Sen. Murphy talking mythology about guns

Rabid gun banner Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) described as “mythology” the proved true assertion that good guys with guns stop bad guys with guns, and then suggested the Sydney hostage incident reminds us that we have to a “conversation here in this country” about the legality of “assault weapons.” You have a conversation. I’ll take defensive action. For instance, in

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F&F and First Amendment update

Although we mentioned this many months ago, we now have proof. A Department of Justice document dump to government watchdog Judicial Watch, made public this week, shows that former DOJ spokeswoman and Eric Holder minion Tracy Schmaler talked to the White House about “out of control” investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson. Attkisson was covering the felonious ATF Operation Fast and Furious

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Fast & Furious documents released

Literally on the eve of the mid-term election this week, the Obama Administration finally released over 64,280 pages of documents that were illegally withheld from Congress after President Obama falsely asserted Executive Privilege on the eve of a contempt citation for Attorney General Eric Holder in June 2012. The release was ordered by a federal judge. It’s no coincidence that

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