
2 verdicts: 1 good and 1 bad call

US District Court Judge Reed O’Connor of the US District Court for the Northern District of Texas, Ft. Worth Division, has ruled that the federal Gun Control Act of 1968’s ban on the interstate sales of handguns by federal firearms dealers to buyers from other states violates the Second and Fifth amendments to the US Constitution. He also distinguished the […]

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Litigation in MS and DC

MS attorney defends Yazoo man in self defense case. Free. Learn more here and here. This is NOT a paid advertisement. The Second Amendment Foundation has filed a federal lawsuit (Wrenn v. DC) in US District Court for the District of Columbia, challenging Washington, D.C.’s requirement that concealed carry permit applicants provide a “good reason” to qualify for a permit,

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Newtown update

The parents of two first-graders killed in the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings have filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the town and the Board of Education, alleging security measures were inadequate, specifically alleging that: The school’s lockdown and evacuation plan was practiced, but never implemented on the day of the shooting; The school failed to train a substitute teacher

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Lead ban follow-up

As we guessed last time in our report on the EPA lead ban petition being shot down, the left-wingnuts trying to ban lead ammunition and fishing tackle aren’t giving up. Bill Snape, a senior attorney with plaintiffs Center for Biological Diversity said, “We are absolutely going to push forward with our campaign to end lead ammunition. We think it’s the

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Lawsuit filed seeking injunction against Washington’s I-594

The Second Amendment Foundation has filed a 31-page lawsuit in federal district court in Tacoma, WA, seeking a permanent injunction against enforcement of portions of that state’s Initiative 594, the 18-page gun control measure that took effect Dec. 4, alleging that “portions of I-594…are so vague that a person of ordinary intelligence cannot understand their scope,” and that other parts

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Appeals Court decides for the EPA & lead ammo

The US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia last week upheld the dismissal of the latest lawsuit brought by anti-hunting groups petitioning the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to issue regulations banning traditional ammunition with lead components. The refusal by the EPA to consider the petition was challenged by the anti-hunting petitioners in federal court in 2013. The National

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