Quote of the Week

A few democracy & gun control quotes

“Democracy is mob rule.” — Townhall.com “The real destroyer of the liberties of the people is he who spreads among them bounties, donations and benefits.” — Plutarch “Gun control is not kosher.” — seen on the side of an AR-15 “We understand people get worried about bad press and run from it. We are running into it because we have

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Jonathan Perloe’s gun-grabber quote

“It’s time to stop calling the efforts of the gun violence prevention movement ‘gun control.’ Contrary to gun rights absolutists who call us ‘gun grabbers,’ we are for reasonable regulation of firearms that keeps guns out of the hands of dangerous people. We also believe in balancing public safety against individual rights with restrictions on highly lethal weaponry such as

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From the Boko Haram Islamic gangsters

“We have made sure the floor of this hall is turned red with blood, and this is how it is going to be in all future attacks and arrests of infidels… killing, slaughtering, destructions and bombing will be our religious duty anywhere we invade.” — leader of “Boko Haram,” a notorious assemblage of Islamic gangsters in central Africa, after slaughtering

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