Weekly Newsletters

Description: A humorous t-shirt perfect for anyone with a spouse who loves to indulge in delicious food. This "Your fat wife" shirt is sure to bring laughter and smiles. Great for parties,

February 5, 2016 Newsletter

Litigation A three-judge panel of the US Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit ruled 2-1 this week that the US District Court for the District of Maryland (Northern Division) improperly ruled to uphold Maryland’s prohibition on what the appeals court called “the vast majority of semi-automatic rifles commonly kept by several million American citizens.” The case, Kolbe v. Hogan […]

February 5, 2016 Newsletter Read More »

A close up of a group of 22 Rimfire bullets.

War on Drugs. Pro Rights. USAF Carry. 22 Rimfire.

2A News: January 29, 2016 Newsletter by Jeff Pittman Legislation You may recall that recently Virginia Attorney General Mark R. Herring determined that VA would no longer exercise CCW license reciprocity with most other states. Now we have word that Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D) has brokered a deal with legislative Republicans to reinstate reciprocity with bills that would also prohibit

War on Drugs. Pro Rights. USAF Carry. 22 Rimfire. Read More »

An old typewriter with the word newsletter written on it, ready for the February edition.

Litigation, Only Ones, Obit, Products

2A News: January 22, 2016 Newsletter by Jeff Pittman Crimes The US Code currently contains nearly 5,000 federal crimes. Try to find Constitutional authority for the federal government to police that many things. Meanwhile, the US Congress currently contains nearly 500 criminals…. Litigation This week, District of Columbia US District Judge Amy Berman Jackson, an Obama appointee, rejected the Justice

Litigation, Only Ones, Obit, Products Read More »

An old typewriter with the word newsletter written on it, ready for the February edition.

January 15, 2016 Newsletter

Litigation The Bonidy case (gun possession in USPS parking lot) is being appealed. The Second Amendment Foundation has filed a federal lawsuit against the Oklahoma Department of Human Services on behalf of two state residents whose civil rights have been deprived under color of law because agency rules prohibit them from acting as foster parents while legally possessing functional firearms

January 15, 2016 Newsletter Read More »

2A News (Second Amendment News)

MS AG Opinion, MSFOA, Litigation, “Accidents,” Grandma, Products

MS AG opinion There is a new Mississippi AG’s opinion on municipalities regulating carry of guns. Read it carefully. He’s crawfishing on some previous opinions. Most interesting is the notion that there are places he (and state law) says you can CCW with the enhanced permit, but cannot open carry, in spite of the state constitution’s prohibition of restrictions of

MS AG Opinion, MSFOA, Litigation, “Accidents,” Grandma, Products Read More »

2A News (Second Amendment News)

MS News, Enemies

Litigation Nutball US District judge Marcia S. Kreiger has ruled in favor of Colorado’s new gun-control laws that mandated background checks for all gun sales and limited the capacity of ammunition magazines to no more than 15 rounds, saying that the Second Amendment doesn’t protect your right to use your choice of firearm for self protection, because, according to the

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