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Jeff's Latest Posts

LA Outdoors Women

21-Feb-2015 | 0

The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries is registering up to 125 participants (age 18 and up, LA residency not required) in the 27th Becoming an Outdoors-Woman (BOW) Workshop set for March 27-29, 2015 at Camp Grant Walker in the rolling hills of central Louisiana. To receive a registration form contact Dana Norsworthy in Monroe at [email protected], 318-345-3912 or Chad […] Read More

Jeff Pittman to be guest on Gun Talk Radio

21-Feb-2015 | 0

From Feb. 6, 2015 2A News newsletter: Yours truly is scheduled as an invited guest on Tom Gresham’s Gun Talk Radio program this Sunday, Feb. 8, at approximately 3:05 p.m. Central Time. I believe the topic will be Mississippi gun bills and the state of gun rights in MS.

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Friends: Alan Nunnelee dead; Richard Mack heart attack

21-Feb-2015 | 0

From Feb. 6, 2015 2A News newsletter: Former AZ sheriff Richard Mack initiated the 1994 case Mack v. United States (later restyled to Printz v. United States), a lawsuit against the federal government which alleged that portions of the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act violated the US Constitution, because they comprised a congressional action that compelled state officers to execute […] Read More

Criminal’s relatives bemoan he wasn’t given sufficient warning before being shot

21-Feb-2015 | 0

An elderly Dallas resident killed an intruder breaking into his home, and now the 33-year-old deceased crook’s relatives are upset that the criminal “wasn’t given sufficient warning before being shot.” Did they think he should have been offered bus fare back home? OK, HERE’S YOUR WARNING, YOU DUMB FELONIOUS TWITS: IF YOU INVADE SOMEONE ELSE’S HOUSE, YOU MAY GET DEAD!!! […] Read More

Enemies: NFL, Michael Bloomberg, and ISIS

21-Feb-2015 | 0

From Feb. 6, 2015 2A News newsletter: National Fascist League I heard that the NFL Super-something was played this week. I didn’t watch. The NFL is anti-gun and wants you to die. Michael Bloomberg makes both the “Liars” and “Enemies” lists this week. His gun ban groups and his millions of dollars succeeded in fooling Washington State voters into passing […] Read More

3 more anti-gun liars

21-Feb-2015 | 0

We have a report that Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety lobbying group will apparently face “swift and immediate legal action” from a Vermont gun dealer who says he was the victim of a fraudulent report about on-line gun sales in his state. The dealer, Crossfire Arms, LLC, in Mt. Holly, VT, says that an Everytown for Gun Safety report titled […] Read More

Politics Roundup: Mike Huckabee, gun training, and NRA elections

21-Feb-2015 | 0

Former Arkansas Gov. and potential presidential candidate Mike Huckabee is making the news with pro-gun statements. We reported last week that gun rights activist Rick Ward is a candidate for MS State Representative. He also sells gun training, and said on the radio this week that he opposes your right to legally carry a gun without government-mandated-and-approved training. (You know, […] Read More

Not a gun free zone

About those gun-free zone signs… Not in Conoy Township, PA

21-Feb-2015 | 0

Conoy Township, PA is posting signs along every road leading into the township. The signs read “Welcome to Conoy Twp. THIS IS NOT A GUN FREE ZONE.”

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About armed teachers….

21-Feb-2015 | 0

Click to learn about the female teacher who has become a sniper fighting ISIS on the Syrian front line… and has to share her rifle with farmers and housewives.

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British sniper takes out 90 Taliban in a single day

21-Feb-2015 | 0


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