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- Bud W.

Jeff's Latest Posts

Dumb guns!

17-Feb-2015 | 0

This week’s “Smart Gun Symposium” had to make do without one of the key speakers — Rick Patterson, executive director of SAAMI — who missed the meeting due to weather. Apparently Patterson then was unable to participate in the conference via a Skype connection, ironically because, as he explained it, “the technology is too unreliable,” and to top that off, […] Read More

Another nugget of wisdom from Mike Vanderboegh

17-Feb-2015 | 0

“I have a much simpler reason why collectivists like Michael Moore condemn the movie [American Sniper], often without seeing it. The reason is hardly intellectual nor is it academic – they feel the crosshairs on their own necks. They understand that sooner or later this appetite of theirs for other people’s liberty and property and lives is going to come […] Read More

Pearl River County, MS sheriff’s department gun safety course

17-Feb-2015 | 0
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Guns and schools, 911, intruders, more

17-Feb-2015 | 0

Guns and schools For the children… college student says she’s glad her dad gave her the gun she used to fight off armed home invaders (video). A gun in the house will only be used….. To keep that intruder from cutting your throat. Again. Still. Or just call 911 and die. You know you married well when… …your wife unloads […] Read More

Nikon becoming anti-hunting?

17-Feb-2015 | 0

We have a report that the Nikon Camera Division is anti-hunting and will not allow dealers to carry any item considered a “hunting/shooting” item (including Nikon’s own riflescopes, rangefinders, spotting scopes or hunting binoculars).

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Dissenters are insane, and other psychobabble

17-Feb-2015 | 0

The latest issue (5th Edition) of the American Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) defined a new mental illness, the so-called “oppositional defiant disorder” or ODD. Apparently the definition of this new mental illness essentially amounts to declaring any non-conformity and questioning of authority as a form of insanity. According to the manual, ODD is defined as: […] […] Read More

2A News (Second Amendment News)

MS AG Opinion, MSFOA, Litigation, “Accidents,” Grandma, Products

13-Feb-2015 | 0

MS AG opinion There is a new Mississippi AG’s opinion on municipalities regulating carry of guns. Read it carefully. He’s crawfishing on some previous opinions. Most interesting is the notion that there are places he (and state law) says you can CCW with the enhanced permit, but cannot open carry, in spite of the state constitution’s prohibition of restrictions of […] Read More

More Federal Antics: DEA, ATF and FDIC

8-Feb-2015 | 0

News headlines this week revealed that the Drug Enforcement Administration “abandoned an internal proposal” to use surveillance cameras for photographing vehicle license plates near gun shows in the US to investigate “gun trafficking.” The automated license plate scanners take pictures of every vehicle that passes their field of view and record the information in a database that can be used […] Read More

Federal Legislation: Knives, Concealed Carry, EPA Guns & DC CCW

8-Feb-2015 | 0

US Rep. Matt Salmon (R-AZ) has filed the Knife Owners Protection Act (KOPA), HR 419, in the 2015 session of Congress. KOPA would extend to knives the protections afforded to firearm owners in the Firearms Owners Protection Act (FOPA) of 1986. If a person may legally own a knife where he started and ended his travel, he would be protected […] Read More

Mississippi Gun News

8-Feb-2015 | 0

MS Politics Rick Ward, who is a gun rights activist, trainer, and writer for Mississippi Gun News, is a candidate for State Representative, presumably in Covington County. Although a gun rights activist, I was shocked to find that a page on his website also indicates that he proposes to make shooting animals a felony crime. That probably won’t sit well […] Read More

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